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Psyop X: Measles, Bird Flu, Disease X

Photo by Angel Santos. The BFD.


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Once again we are being nudged, by means fair and foul, to be afraid, with a constant parade of ‘deadly’ viral diseases in the media, most recently those of measles and bird flu. The playbook is so similar to Covid, it would be laughable if it were not serious.

Governments and authorities around the world practised their use of psychological operations to ensure a fearful and compliant population: one that would submit to a novel intervention, if not to protect themselves then by ‘doing it for grandma’. This provided the population with a sense of purpose and community, something that is sorely lacking for many. May we offer an alternative? Think, educate yourself, stand up and speak out. This is a harder road but the rewards are far greater and the longer-term risks to life and limb far less.

Are measles and bird flu Disease X or A Psychological Operation (Psyop)?

Without debating whether viruses exist or not, what appears to be happening is a repeat of the Covid situation. There may or may not be a bird flu (H5N1) outbreak; the incidence of measles may or may not be increasing. Another rabbit hole for another day is the validity of PCR testing that is being used again for diagnosis. What is clear is that power-hungry authorities and influencers are trying once again to make us fearful and compliant. They appear to find pleasure in their proclamations of doom and at how easily the population falls in line.

Let us not forget the infamous statement by Bill Gates “the next one…will get attention this time” and the smirk of quiet happiness and collusion between him and his then wife, Melinda. Bill Gates has also spoken effusively on leveraging the mRNA technology for “every disease“.

The World Health Organization has been talking up so-called Disease X with gusto, suggesting that the world will need to be ready with mRNA technology to vaccinate in response. This has been aptly described as a “vaccine program waiting for a new illness” and a “Counter-Measure Business Plan”.  Disease X seems to be a place holder for the next viral outbreak, be it natural, manufactured or bogus. And what is the intent of these scares?  Harm to humans and animals alike, to further increase fear and compliance?

Bird flu

Already there is talk of slaughtering cows and birds to bring bird flu under control. Warnings of not drinking raw milk or eating under-cooked steak are flooding the headlines. Read:  Be afraid, be afraid, then line up for your jab and present your cat, dog and chooks for slaughtering, while we take care of the meat animals. We say: NO.

2024 Radio New Zealand Headlines about bird flu

7 MayOfficials work to keep bird flu out of NZ
7 MayThe mutating bird flu lurking on our borders
7 MayAlarm bells over avian flu virus
6 MayDozens of cattle infected with bird flu in the US
6 MayTiming is not good for H5N1 pandemic – flu scientist
5 MayWill bird flu be the next pandemic?
15 AprilBird flu: what is it, and why has it been found in US dairy cows?
2 AprilPerson in Texas diagnosed with rare bird flu
12 MarchBird flu infects penguins at famous wildlife haven
12 MarchResearchers aim to detect deadly bird flu early
6 MarchOfficials prepping for inevitable bird flu ‘tsunami’
27 FebruaryOfficials prepare contingency plan as avian influenza inches closer
27 FebruaryDeadly avian flu detected on Antarctic mainland
20 February‘It’s killing birds in unprecedented scales’
20 FebruaryDeadly bird flu threatens NZ wildlife
8 JanuaryConcerns bird flu may have reached Antarctica


In New Zealand, headlines for measles outbreaks are appearing intermittently. This is another well-known psychological technique used to keep people fearful. Scare them, then take the pressure off so that they think everything is back to normal, then scare them again!

We are told that effluent from passenger planes will soon be tested for measles and that proof of immunity will need to be shown when entering and exiting the country. Of course immunity from the measles vaccine wanes, with the resultant go-to solution of more vaccines, even though they worked only partially in the past. More about this here. For those wanting a further look at measles, why vaccination may not be helpful, whether there are in fact any advantages in contracting measles and how to treat it, we suggest this post.

We are also concerned that the 2019 Samoan outbreak actually occurred in the midst of a measles vaccination campaign. This is apparently also where the practice of counting those who were within the first two weeks of vaccination as ‘unvaccinated’ was first used, as were lockdowns and persecution of the unvaccinated.  Was that a trial run for the upcoming Covid vaccine deception? It is well known that approximately 10 days after a measles or MMR vaccine a child will often get a fever and rash, as highlighted in Medsafe’s Consumer Medicine Information for Priorix, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

Measles (Mumps & Rubella) Vaccine Medsafe Consumer Information

Common Side Effects (these may occur with up to 1 in 10 doses of the vaccine)

  • pain and swelling at the injection site
  • fever greater than 39.5 (rectal)
  • rash (spots and/or blisters)
  • upper respiratory tract infection

Psyop X?

It seems clear to us that a tried and practised response is being rolled out. A response somehow globally orchestrated to make us fearful and to distrust our own bodies (which affects the immune system negatively) so that we will line up for injections and vote for those who are ‘magnanimously’ giving them out for free, all the while lining the pockets of big pharma with our money, who in turn can’t wait for another of its products to be coerced – if not mandated – on the population. A response possibly benefiting those who want to control humanity. We could justifiably label these repeated responses to an invisible enemy, as Psyop X.

In response to this fear-mongering, we once again point to ways to improve immunity, especially decreasing the cortisol and fear response they want to ramp up, by enjoying life with loved ones. There are many other objective ways to protect oneself that do not come at the end of a needle. Most importantly, we think, is to live in courage and knowledge.

Say No to Psyop X

Psyop X is just another action in a string of increasingly refined psyops to make us fearful, compliant and controllable for the profit of a powerful few. For a deeper understanding of the techniques used by government and global groups, which we suggest is critical, we refer you to the excellent book by Laura Dodsworth: A State of Fear.

It takes courage to say no, to not comply when all around are doing so, but it appears the intentions of one psyop after another, to harm and control, are ramping up. What do we want for our children and future? Freedom or enslavement?
