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Punching “Nazis” and Hating Jews

“Zionist” is just code for “Jews”. The BFD.

“Ignorance is Strength”, ran the motto of the socialist Party in Orwell’s 1984. Decades of left-wing domination of the education system has produced a generation so astonishingly ignorant that their know-nothingness is practically a superpower. Students today are the Supermen of Ignorance.

Their ignorance is so thoroughgoing that, despite the Second World War (by which, of course, they mean “the Nazis”) being virtually the only History subject they’ll ever cover in their entire school lives, they actually know almost nothing factual about the Holocaust.

About one in ten young adults in America think Jewish people caused the Holocaust, a new survey finds.

And 10 per cent of people in that age group say they don’t believe that the Holocaust happened or aren’t sure that it took place.

Remember, this is the same generation burning down cities, “becuz systemic racism!” and bragging about “punching Nazis”, and that they’re “on the right side of history”.

Naturally the finger of blame is pointed anywhere but where responsibility really lies.

The findings come as almost half of Millennials and people in Generation Z reported seeing “Holocaust denial or distortion posts on social media” or elsewhere online, results from the organisation show.

Is that the cause, though – or just a symptom?

Far easier, though, to blame shitposters on 4Chan than admit that decades of dumbing-down the education system have culminated in a generation of woke ignoramuses.

When the left have diminished the horrors of Nazism to a mere epithet, reflexively used to dismiss any opinion which hurts their precious feelings, of course they have no concept of what Nazism really was.

Worse, when Jews – sorry, “zionists” – are relentlessly smeared by the pervasive left-wing BDS movement as “Nazis”, then it’s but the merest step to blame the Jews themselves for the great crime committed against them. If Jews are “Nazis”, and Nazis perpetrated the Holocaust (the one glimmer of fact that manages to penetrate the gloomy denseness of the Millennial mind), then it logically follows that Jews caused the Holocaust.

These brainless anti-Semites are the product of an education system almost completely dominated by Boomer leftists. Look on your works, leftists, and despair.

History and Teaching are fields dominated by the left. The BFD.

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