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Push Back against Cuddles Coster’s Vaccine Mandates

Image credit The BFD.

Remember when people claiming that vaccine mandates were coming were labelled cranks and conspiracy theorists? No? Well, let me remind you:

Conspiracy theorists have claimed a COVID-19 vaccine, when available, will be “forced” on everyone – including Kiwis.

The Government has rubbished those claims, made most notably by Jami-Lee Ross and Billy Te Kahika’s Advance NZ.

On Tuesday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern went a step further, saying not only will there be no forced vaccinations, but those who choose to opt-out won’t face any penalties at all.

“No, and we haven’t for any vaccination in New Zealand applied penalties in that way,” Ardern told The AM Show, after being asked if there might be tax penalties or other sanctions for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine.

“But I would say for anyone who doesn’t take up an effective and tested and safe vaccine when it’s available, that will come at a risk to them.”


That was in August 2020. Like so many of Jacinda Ardern’s other Covid pronouncements that was a big lie. A lie so big and so preposterous that none of her handmaidens in the corrupted media has bothered to hold her to account for it.

There were indeed forced mandates and there are penalties for those who choose to opt out.

The Prime Minister didn’t just lie, she went on to introduce draconian measures and penalties against unvaccinated Kiwis, and cackled with joy as she did it.

Her lies are little comfort to those who believed the lying Prime Minister when she told us all in the 2017 election that she never told lies. People have lost their jobs, their careers, their businesses and people have had their families turned against them, their mates abandon them and society shun them as the Government’s jack-booted policies penalised them by demonising and stigmatising unvaxxed citizens who foolishly believed that when the Prime Minister said there would be no penalties, she was actually being truthful.

The Police were amongst the last to have mandates foisted upon them, and Monday was the last day for them to bend the knee and submit to the mandate from their boss, Commissioner Andrew “Cuddles” Coster, who has now turned the resources of the Police against their own, to start pillorying loyal staff who have not been vaccinated.

On Monday he posted a video on the Police intranet, along with a transcript of his message explaining what was going to happen next. A patriot and brave soul in the Police has taken screenshots/printouts of this message, but more importantly the significant push back from sworn officers in the comments.

Talk about tone-deaf. He praises staff for all their hard work during the hardest part of the pandemic then he sets about telling them how he is going to dismiss them for daring to resist the mandate. How on earth can he say they “will be laid off” and then say that they are “working through options with them”? His mind is clearly made up.

“we need to ensure the resilience of our business” – is a slightly odd way to describe a policing service. Then again it is precisely the sort of gobbledegook one would expect from a senior Police officer who has spent more time in the university library than on the beat.

The Police Union is obviously too busy manufacturing stories and data about gun crime to step in for these officers.

Predictably some staff are outraged and have posted their comments on the intranet in response:

Coster had clearly made his mind up anyway, and the tyrant Prime Minister made it up for him. He would not have expected that level of pushback. Yet these brave souls did it anyway.

Since the day Andrew Coster became Commissioner he has been the Prime Minister’s handmaiden and supervised the degradation of the respect that the general public used to have for the Police. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine that they have a committee formed in the senior ranks looking at changing their blue uniforms for ones more appropriate to these times, brown shirts, jodhpurs and jack-boots…all designed by Hugo Boss of course.

The Prime Minister lied when she said there would be no mandates and no penalties and this week those brave Police officers found out just exactly what the word of the Prime Minister is worth…a knob of goat poo.

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