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Photo by Nick Fewings. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

The desperation spectacle of Putin in North Korea, being hosted by a grossly obese buffoon in a quest for weapons to pursue his futile Ukrainian war, was alarming.

By the age-old method of eliminating any rivals, Putin has now ruled Russia longer than any of his predecessors, even including Stalin.

That he’s a cold-blooded psychopath and a serious sufferer of short man syndrome is beyond question.

The Western nations have frozen the oligarchs largely ill-gotten billions. There’s now talk of applying the accrued interest to rebuilding Ukraine.

They should go a further step and threaten to pass laws to allow them to confiscate the capital sums for the same purpose.

Hopefully that threat would see one or more oligarch with a home in Russia as well as the west, then arrange to have Putin killed. The world will rejoice.

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