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Qld Public Servants Exempt From Vaccine

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If one thing has been blindingly obvious during the Wuhan pandemic, it’s that those making the policy decisions feel no obligation to abide by their own rules.

Whether it’s David Clark breaking lockdown to go to the beach, or New York mayor Bill de Blasio enjoying a New Year’s Eve dance in a Times Square forcibly emptied of everyone else, or California governor Gavin Newsom noshing down at a posh restaurant with friends including public health mavens, in flagrant violation of his own draconian restrictions.

The obvious message from on high during the pandemic is: do as we say, not as we do.

That goes for all levels of the new nomenklatura. US medical workers, who’ve only taken time out from making vapid TikTok videos to sanctimoniously lecture the rest of us, are refusing en masse to take the new COVID vaccine.

So are Queensland’s public servants.

Queensland’s public servants won’t be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine once it becomes available, but it will be strongly recommended.

But the common shmucks who actually work for a living won’t have the luxury of the same choice.

It comes after some of the state’s biggest employers left the door open to introducing a “no jab, no pay” policy, with the retail sector saying a mass uptake of the ­jab could be the only way out of the “COVID-normal” way of life.

Asked whether public servants in Queensland would be required to get the vaccine, Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said the Government wanted the vaccine to be as accessible as possible to Queenslanders.

“Queensland Health will work with Queenslanders and to ensure individuals are informed about how, when and why the vaccine is being rolled out,” she said.

“The delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations will coincide with communications and public awareness efforts across the country, in co-ordination with the Commonwealth Government.

“Vaccination will assist to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and protect vulnerable members of the community.”

Which is a long way of saying, “no”.

Despite some businesses agitating for mandatory vaccination as a work requirement, at least some employer’s groups can see the danger.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland senior industrial relations specialist Michael O’Brien said the body was advocating for federal government direction around the issue.

“(For) a lot of industries, it will come down to if you enforce someone to get the jab, you’ve got the potential of an unfair dismissal or discrimination claim,” he said.

Mr O’Brien said in Queensland, mandatory jabs couldn’t be enforced.

Sunshine Coast Daily

Since when should the hoi polloi be allowed to decide for themselves? After all, the troughers just know better than everyone else how to run their lives for them.

Now, shut up and take your experimental medicine, like a good, obedient prole.

grayscale photo of man in t-shirt and watch holding smartphone
Photo by Obi Onyeador

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