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They can blur her face but they can’t hide her colour. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s a number of rules-of-thumb one should employ when dealing with the mainstream media. I’ve covered some of them before as “Lushy’s Laws”:

  • Never believe a headline;
  • When an article claims, “science says…” or “new study shows…”, assume that it doesn’t until proven otherwise;
  • Always assume that “fact-checkers” are trying to bullshit you.

But there’s a fourth I should add:

Whenever the media avoid revealing the identity of a suspect, assume that they’re not white.

Contrast, for instance, the different reporting of two recent mass shootings. When a shooter killed eight people, including six Asian women, in Atlanta, reports invariably identified him as a “white man” in their ledes. On the other hand, when another shooter went on a rampage in Boulder, he was just identified as “a man”. Similarly, the black girls who murdered Uber driver Mohammad Anwar in Washington were just identified as “teens”.

With that in mind, consider this latest incident of racist abuse as reported by the American media.

A teacher has been caught on video delivering a racist tirade against a Latino sheriff’s deputy in Los Angeles, wherein she repeatedly calls him “a murderer” and taunts, “You’re always gonna be a Mexican, you’ll never be white, you know that?”

In a magnificent display of professional restraint, the officer is resolutely polite to his abuser.

In the clip, the deputy can be seen approaching the woman’s vehicle as she asked why she is “being harassed” since she was driving under the speed limit.

“Yes you are, ma’am, good morning,” he replies.

The woman can be seen holding her phone up showing that she was recording the deputy, when he says, “I pulled you over because…” and she cuts him off, replying, “Because you’re a murderer.”

The deputy explains that he pulled her over because she was using her cellphone while driving, and she tells him she had been recording him, reiterating, “because you are a murderer”[…]

Another deputy arrives on the scene, and tells the woman she is receiving a ticket for using her cellphone while driving. She tells him the deputy who issued the ticket was “a Mexican racist,” and then tells the deputy who pulled her over, “You’re always gonna be a Mexican, you’ll never be white, you know that, right? You’ll never be white, which is what you really want to be.

San Dimas doesn’t require its officers to wear body cameras, but the deputy in question invested in a camera of his own, in order to protect himself on the job. The deputy sent the footage in question to KTTV-TV’s Bill Melugin.

The woman says in the footage that she is a teacher. Melugin reported that “she has been a professor at schools in the LA area.”

The Blaze

So… wow, that’s some pretty racist stuff. The idea that coloured people “want to be white” is a long-standing racist trope. It goes without saying that this racist teacher is obviously a privileged white woman, right? After all, she’s driving a Mercedes.

On April 23, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy pulled over a black woman who was being cited for using her cell phone while driving.

Daily Mail
They can blur her face but they can’t hide her colour. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Oops. That doesn’t fit the narrative.

What it does fit, though, is the trend of certain minorities making up fictitious complaints of “racism” in order to cover the embarrassing lack of actual racism in America.

The LASD told Melugin the woman called the LASD after the incident to file a harassment complaint against the deputy. The department noted that “she has a history of making false complaints against deputies.”

The Blaze

In fact, there are entire websites dedicated to documenting the recent deluge of fake “hate crimes”. Call it Jussie’s List, if you will.

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