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Rainbow Activists BULLY Gay Man to Suicide

As Jim Goad so aptly puts it, “The modern left’s heads are so far up their own asses with the idea that they are unimpeachably good, I suspect they may all soon suffocate to death”. But, for all their self-serving paeans to their own “kindness” and “inclusivity”, the reality is that the left are vicious bullies.

This is nothing new, of course. The communists boasted of their moral superiority, even as they murdered tens of millions of their own, and sentenced billions more to hunger, misery and brutality. The modern left, in their ‘rainbow’ incarnation especially, are carrying on this disgusting tradition of trumpeting their supposed moral goodness while being the most intolerant persecutors and tormentors on the face of the planet.

Photoshopped image credit Pixy
The suicide of a young conservative activist just hours after he ­attracted a storm of online abuse for leading a protest against a drag queen reading event for children has ­supercharged debate over the use of social media as a weapon to ­attack political opponents.

Wilson Gavin, 21, was openly gay but vehemently committed to conservative causes such as the ­monarchy and opposition to same-sex marriage.

Being gay is no shield against the lynch-mob left, any more than being black, or female, or any other of the left’s cherished victim groups. Just as Douglas Murray, Dave Rubin, Kanye West, Candace Owens, Germaine Greer have all found out…step out of line and you’re dead meat. Dare to leave the plantation and the social media whip-crackers will hunt you down.

His suicide followed a barrage of social media abuse over his role in the protest at a ­Brisbane council library on Sunday.

His death unleashed a wave of disbelief and sadness among both his supporters and critics — much of it expressed on Twitter and Facebook, the same platforms that carried the most savage condemnations of his actions following the anti-drag protest.

The phrase ‘crocodile tears’ comes to mind. These creeps knew what they were doing. There have been enough instances of young people taking their lives in the wake of social media bullying that they can’t have not known where this might go. In fact, it’s exactly what many of them openly stated that they wanted. No doubt there was a mad rush to delete tweets and Facebook posts, yesterday, although some are standing proudly by their hate.

‘They hate me because I’m a conservative, and they hate me more because I’m a gay conservative […]”

But if this poor young man expected support from at least his elders in the party, he sadly reckoned without the contemptible spinelessness of modern ‘conservative’ politicians.

His role in disrupting the drag performer event at the weekend attracted similarly savage criticism and abuse from those purporting to represent the LGBTI community and others on social media, with some LNP politicians quick to say their party had no link with the group.

The member for the federal seat of Brisbane, Trevor Evans, ­labelled club members “ratbags”, while Brisbane LNP councillor Vicki Howard said their actions were “appalling”.

The LNP resolved to disendorse the group last month […]

Queensland Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington said she would not make any comments in relation to Mr Gavin’s death […] Former Young LNP president Luke Barnes said he was angry and frustrated that the protest showed “intolerance in the name of so-called conservative values”.

Shame on you all, you utter, gutless cowards.

But even as the stark evidence of their violent intolerance lies cold in the morgue, the left still persist in trying to wrap a fig leaf of fake sanctimony around their billy-clubs.

For all their bullshit about ‘inclusion’, ‘tolerance’ and ‘safe spaces’, the rainbow left are some of the most hateful people imaginable. Voltaire was right: Those who can make you believe such absurdities as that men can be women really can make you commit atrocities.

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