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ram raids

Sir Bob Jones

Below is a letter published in the Dominion Post some weeks ago which I don’t imagine the correspondent, Bruce Anderson of Christchurch will mind me reproducing.

The essence of Mr Anderson’s complaint boils down to an elementary one, namely the feeble punishment, or more often total absence of punishment for the offenders.

He’s correct that being Maori, coming from a lousy home-background and so on, are never excuses for offending.

To present an extreme argument, would ram-raiding or indeed any offence, no matter how minor, continue if immediately caught by the police, offenders are hanged within an hour?

We know the answer which of course is no. Obviously, I’m not advocating that, rather I’m making the point that punishment for crimes works, as it always has.

The old master Evelyn Waugh foresaw arising this current disastrous state of affairs with his prophetic satirical novella Love Among The Ruins, exactly half a century ago.

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