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Random Thoughts On Election 2023

a person is casting a vote into a box

Let me start with the obvious. Either National or Labour are going to win. Both outcomes are as bad as each other.

If you find it hard to imagine a government as bad as or worse than the present then consider this: Luxon has virtually said he’ll get in bed with the China. And that alone will make any of the disastrous things the current Labour government has done pale in significance.

‘But what about co-governance?’ you say. If you really think Luxon is going to stop co-governance, think again. Here’s somebody who openly virtue-signalled he’s learning Maori. Sure, you can argue I’m reading too much into it, and also point out the Luxon has said he’s opposed to co-governance, but I don’t think I am. My bet is he’ll replace co-governance with something very similar and call it something like ‘racial equity’.

Luxon has also shown by the way he’s treated his MPs that he is no leader. Recall his recent treatment of Chris Penk where he played the role of a bullying and condescending boss telling off an errant employee. And it wasn’t the first time.

Now for the minor parties.

The Greens.

One good thing I can about the Greens is at least you know where they stand. If you want a government that is willing to the destroy the economy in order to stop the planet from warming by 0.00001 of a degree then vote Green!


What does ACT stand for? I really don’t know.

As a so-called Libertarian party they had opportunity to fully back the cannabis referendum.

They didn’t.

They had the opportunity to oppose the lockdowns.

They didn’t.

They had the opportunity to oppose the vaccine mandates.

They didn’t.

They had the opportunity to talk to the parliament protestors.

They didn’t.

In fact, with regard to the lockdowns and vaccine mandates, they actually supported them.

NZ First.

Winston Peters is saying that he’ll never form an alliance with the current Labour government. However, back in 1996, Peters said that he would never get in bed with National, but despite this, as kingmaker, he still picked National.

To be fair though, as a general rule, all politicians in one way or another lie.

It’s been said that Peters was given no choice when he chose the current Labour Party over National. But when he picked Jacinda Ardern, he said it was because there was an economic storm ahead and that Labour was the best party to steer us through it. He didn’t say it was because National had given him no choice. He was half right, in a way.

And to be fair (again), no one, and I mean no one, could have predicted just how bad the current Labour Government would be.

So what can I say about NZ First? During the current government’s first term, NZ First showed beyond a doubt that they could be an effective handbrake.

Since Labour and National are as bad as each other, a handbrake will mean that at least they won’t be as bad as if there was no handbrake. Which is at least a reason to vote NZ First.

To be honest I haven’t made up my mind who to vote for. For me, it’s going to be choosing the best of the worst.
