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Aunty Blue

Hello Everyone, students, Rams, people, They / them / theirs /Ze / hir / hir
and Nige.

I am so pleased to see all you deplorables this Saturday morning ready to learn how to use inclusive language.

Today the lesson is about two words that erase other cultures and portray the United States as the dominant American country.

The word American and America can be extremely offensive and are words that you should avoid using.

The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States. There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total. That’s why the word “americano” in Spanish can refer to anything on the American continent. Yet, when we talk about “Americans” in the United States, we’re usually just referring to people from the United States.

Inclusive Language Guide

This is a living resource compiled by the Inclusive Communications Task Force at Colorado State University.

Instead of using the word America and American the correct substitution to use instead in order to prevent offence is U.S. citizen or person from the U.S.

For example, I am ashamed to be a U.S citizen as the person from the US who is president is a disgusting racist, sexist, Islamophobe #NotMYPersonFromTheU.S.President
