Hon Karen Chhour
Minister for Children
Assaults and unlawful behaviour within Oranga Tamariki’s youth justice facilities are unacceptable and offenders should receive proper consequences for their actions.
Last night a fight broke out in the Muriwai Unit at Te Puna Wai Youth Justice Residence in Christchurch. Five young people have been identified as instigating the fight and five staff members and three young people have suffered injuries.
I have requested advice on what current procedures are in place for incidents like this and what more can be done to ensure serious young offenders are held to account for their actions.

Under the previous government, offenders assaulted staff and broke out of facilities and fast food was given to bribe them to stop. If people within youth justice facilities cause trouble they should expect to see real consequences for their actions.
By restoring the value of right and wrong we will have better outcomes in youth justice facilities. This government is focussed on dealing with serious youth crime and young people must learn that bad and unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated.
No staff member should go to work and feel unsafe. My thoughts go out to victims and their families who have been affected by this assault.”