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Once was wilderness: a wind farm at Kaban, Queensland. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you’ve tried reasoning with a religious cultist or an Amway representative, you know how it goes. They’re completely immune to evidence and persuasion. Every time you show where they’re wrong, they simple switch to the next rote-learned talking-point that’s been debunked a dozen points.

Even the most zealous Moonie or Scientologist is a pushover, compared to the Climate Cult.

No matter how far energy prices spiral out of control in direct tandem with switching to “renewables”, the Cultists vehemently insist that it’s reality at fault. Because they just know that “renewables” are cheaper – and nothing, especially not nonsense like evidence, is going to convince them otherwise.

Despite constant claims renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels the billions being poured into greening Australia’s power and hosting UN climate talkfests appears to be only driving up the price of electricity.

Labor went into the May election with a promise of slashing electricity bills by $275 a year, a pledge that was meant to be delivered by its commitment to renewables.

However, Tuesday’s Budget instead predicted a staggering 56 per cent hike in prices in the next year on top of the already ballooning bills.

But it’s not because of renewables – just ask Albo.

When asked about this in parliament on Wednesday Prime Minister Anthony Albanese repeated the mantra of his government.

“The cheapest form of new energy in this country is renewables,” he said.

For people with a stronger grasp of reality, the opposite is patently obvious.

“Power prices are going up because we are investing too much in renewable energy that is not on all the time,” [North Queensland Nationals Senator Matt Canavan] told Daily Mail Australia on Wednesday.

“Australia has been building more solar and wind per person than any country in the world.”

Like socialism, it’s worked out exactly the same as it has everywhere else in the world it’s ever been tried.

There almost seems to be a pattern, here. The BFD.
In places such as California, where the Democrat-dominated political class remains committed to being a leader in adopting renewables, power prices rose the most steeply in the US over the period between 2016 and 2020, according to Forbes.

California is burdened with the major flaw of renewable power – that it is intermittent and weather dependent.

This means renewable sources often produce too much power when it is not needed and not enough when it is, which in California’s case led to pleas from officials for residents to stop using energy at times there was a shortfall.

Australians faced a similar plea in June despite being one of the largest energy exporters on Earth.

At least the Climate Cult’s high priests will be able to afford the spiralling electricity bills.

The green bureaucracy will also be beefed up by the injection of a further $194 million, with $102 million to restore the Climate Change Authority and $64 million to rebuild Treasury’s climate modelling capability […]

The budget contains a mind-boggling multitude of green projects, subsidies and new government agencies to bring about the Albanese government’s commitment of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

There is even $8.1 million to improve the energy efficiency of seaweed farmers.

However, by far the biggest sum, $20 billion, will be for rewiring the nation’s grid to make it more renewable energy friendly.

This demolishes the Climate Cult’s go-to excuse for spiralling power prices: so-called “gold-plating of poles and wires”. In fact, it’s the wholesale reconstruction of a grid that was designed to run on reliable power, not intermittent, unreliable renewables.

Even then, the best grid in the world isn’t going to be any use when the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining.

Even energy retailers, who’ve been raking in billions of taxpayer dollars by jumping on the renewables bandwagon, can’t always lie about the facts.

Major energy retailers told a conference in October that replacing coal and gas with renewable energy is the major reason power prices are sky-rocketing.

“Next year, using the current market prices, tariffs are going up a minimum 35 per cent,” Alinta chief executive Jeff Dimery said at the Sydney event.

“It’s horrendous, it’s unpalatable. We don’t want energy consumers getting their power bills and setting fire to them.”

Daily Mail

At this rate, though, that’s the only way we’ll be able to keep warm and toast our Uncle Klaus’ Cricket Snacks.
