Indeed! Because I no longer believe much of what newspapers publish, since I discovered the BFD I’ve concluded that in a small population such as NZ has, in reading the comments on this well run source, one can usually find the truth. Some intelligent people are regular commenters, and thanks to the “moderators” there is no nastiness. I recommend it to all my contacts, and certainly enjoy the puzzles.
Please, please keep it going. It has become an important part of my life for just $25 a month. Cheap as chips for the value it gives, and better than buying newspapers.
I pay for the silver service on this great website, and I am sure this is the one place on the internet which keeps me sane with all the crap going on out there in the world. Well done , Cam and your crew, and anyone who uses this fine service should pay for the privilege. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.
Come on unsubscribed readers – at least purchase a bronze membership. My silver membership costs a fraction more than one coffee (and usually a rubbish one) per week and I get hrs of entertainment from the BFD. And….it saved my sanity during the lockdown madness.
Please please please all of you who take the free ride, you clearly follow this media because it’s great. Help build it up to be unstoppable. Just a few bucks a week for goodness sake. Just think, if BFD fails, the corrupt and lying so-called MSM win. Sod that!! I have a silver membership and get so much from both The BFD and Cams Insight:10@10 daily email of keynote stories from world media and commentators. It is my go-to for news, along with RCR. Sign up, you won’t regret it.
I just re-subscribed, I hope my little bit helps keep the lights on. The BFD is one of the few refuges of sanity in an increasingly insane world. Keep up the good work team.
I’m a silver subscriber and value the work put in by everyone. My sub automatically rolls over and I suggest for less than the price of one decent coffee (pref at the Quarry ?) a week, that many readers will subscribe. No such thing as a free lunch!
I know things are tough at present for many of us and especially those on fixed incomes but if you ask me the BFD represents extremely good value for money – I’m especially thankful to the authors, the management team and many commentators here for the chance to read others experiences and advice over the horrid covid debacle.
I’d also like to say that the moderation team here is absolutely fantastic in the way they run the comments section ….. it is so nice to be able to express one’s opinion without worrying about getting slammed or otherwise unlike on other more public forums. This moderation and the other commentators here have also helped me formulate opinions that I would have never considered otherwise, I’m hoping to improve my comments as well with the exposure to differing viewpoints….. I unfortunately never listened all that well to my English teachers at high school which shows up quite plainly in my grammar and sentence structure.
It is funny how even though I’ve copied links to articles here and put them up where people have read them and even passed comments yet they still will not drop the equivalent of a weekly dodgy pie at the corner shop in the tin for a bronze subscription….
Upticked the post while saddened to read it.
I appreciate the BFD and read it daily with updating during the day. I find it a great source and commend taking a subscription for those who value information and informed comment. I appreciate the wide range of viewpoints from both articles and commenters.
I subscribe to Silver and appreciate the additional value of that level. I urge any non-subscribers to make the shift and contribute in support of these hardworking and competent generators of a good and valuable product
Thank you, Juana, for all the work you do with the BFD. I am sure I speak for many who enjoy coming to a place of sanity each day!
Agreed. Juana is great to deal with, and does a fantastic job helping make the BFD the best site in NZ, if not the world, or even the universe!
I became a member just for the Fuel card &
Posting memes on Monday
Worth it
Thanks Cam for doing what is required. BFD has been my first to go to blog and news site for the past 4 years and saved my sanity so I now don’t watch or read any of the MSM.
The comments made on this site are like gold , very precious and understandable by most of us. Together with RCR you both provide freedom of expression and common sense.
In an Aotearoa of burgeoning mental issues and imported lunatics, I can say reading and commenting within the BFD keeps my sanity in check. Very occasionally, I used to stumble across Ian Paisley on his soap box. With his booming voice and all the fervour and commitment in the world, his cries of ‘No Surrender’ still resonate in my head, something that I reflected on many times during my life.
Thank you Juana, the BFD and all the contributors. Where to begin…
The BFD has given daily information that I would never get on the MSM. The value of the sumps is impossible to define unless you’re a regular part of one. At the Tauranga sump we promote the BFD each time and we will again on Saturday 18 November when we meet for a potluck cum BBQ. I have a silver membership and am happy to make another one-off donation. The stories we’ve heard, the guest speakers, the friendships made, the personal support given, the meals shared and providing a safe place to welcome new people is incredible! Some travel from out of town to join in. Maybe it is an opportunity for me to thank those who open their homes to us all each month!
Two vaccine impact support groups (daytime and evening) have emerged from our group with support from a member of the local NZDSOS.
Throughout the horrors of the Ardern/Labour Government and them the years of the outrageous covid debacle, the BFD was invaluable to keep our sanity. To know there were many others who thought the same was a relief. I wasn’t going down a dark rabbit hole or a going mad, because we would not comply. Actually, I was the one in the light knowing the truth early on via the blog.
Thank you personally Juana for all your hard work and endless hours developing the platform, keeping it at such a high standard, wonderful editing, allowing a great sense of humour to come through with appropriate cartoons, welcoming new writers and driving the blog forward as the best blog in NZ.
We were so sorry to hear that you have been unwell. Please know you are valued by my husband and I and at our sump and you’re still in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.
I’ve attached an opinion piece about women being played by Big Pharma, the angle is the enforcement of the law prohibiting protest inside safe areas which came into play midnight 25th August, last night.
Thank you for your ongoing effort to provide a conservative voice to NZ news and politics. I really enjoy hearing Cameron on The Crunch and hope that you have made a full recovery after your health issues a few months ago.
I didn’t know what to expect when I first started writing these articles and I was prepared for some flack but I’ve been pleasantly surprised as to how kindly they’ve been received. There are obviously a lot of people out there who agree with you and me but it’s sad, and quite frustrating, that there doesn’t appear to be any way for our views to even be acknowledged, never mind being acted upon by the so-called elites.
Dear SB & Cam
I want to thank you so much for the work the BFD does in righting misinformation about Israel, especially at this time. You are stalwarts and God bless you.
My mother was a Palestinian Jew before she met and married my kiwi father in the Middle East as WWII was ending. Both were truck drivers in the army, Mum in the Palestinian division (Jewish) of the British Army, and Dad in the NZ forces (Second Division, 6th RMT).
My mother had fled Nazi Germany, aged about 13 in 1936, to Palestine.
All her life in NZ, she was an advocate for Israel, as was my father through letter writing to the paper. Eventually, my mother came to know the Lord Jesus as her Messiah and Saviour. That gave her the joy of exploring the bible and finding the promises of God to the Jews. She ran a bible study group, taught scripture in school, and hosted travelling Israelis for many years.
It is unreal what is happening in Israel, and here in NZ in relation to this invasion and war. I have several cousins in Israel, and there is a crop of their 18-year-old grandchildren serving in the IDF, plus older reservists. They are just kids and are now exposed to the horrors of war. One twenty-year-old was involved in locating the dead bodies from the invasion.
A heartfelt thanks to you again. I am part of an online prayer group (Prayer for Israel) that prays for Israel every night, and also for Arab Christians caught in Gaza. We know the Lord’s heart is very much for His people at this time, as we read aloud the Psalms and other books such as Isaiah.
Thanks again for being independent media and publishing the recent article I sent through about Mellons Bay.
Love your work. I only have “Two sources” of truth at the moment… You and VFF. I can’t trust the rest.
This division and destruction of our country has cost me and my family dearly (lost jobs, houses…). We are still mending our family, but as time passes I fear some facets can never be repaired. Only the truth can enlighten them and start putting the country back together.
BFD = The New Mainstream Media!
Note from the editor:
Dear reader
due to a significant drop in memberships over the past six months, we need readers who are not currently supporting us with a membership or by donating to step up today.
We are currently cutting costs everywhere we can but we need your help today.
If you want The BFD to continue please become a member today and ensure that The BFD can continue to provide you with the quality Conservative content that you love so much.
Another way to support us is by making a one-off or a recurring donation here.
Thank you very much for doing your part to keep The BFD alive.
Juana Atkins (SB)
Editor of The BFD