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Recovering from a WARM Kiwi Welcome

As you may be aware The BFD’s Australian correspondent Lushington D Brady came all the way from Tasmania this week in order to attend the World famous in NZ BFD Staff Christmas party yesterday.

We won’t be publishing any posts from Lushington today as he is still recovering from the warm Kiwi welcome that he received. (Just kidding) he is fighting fit and off to check out as much of NZ as he can while he is here.

I can report that he is a thoroughly decent bloke who quickly learned to speak Nu Ziland like a native and who headed for Hobbiton the minute he got off the plane like a good little tourist.

We taught him that thongs are naughty girls underpants NOT jandals and that we keep our beers cool in Chilly bins not Eskies.

Now please keep your voices down because Lushy is nursing a wee bit of a headache….shhhh Oh Wait…that’s me
