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Red Queen Changes Pied Piper Tune

Image credit The BFD.



The Red Queen had been imitating the “Pied Piper of Hamelin”  by banning the RATs (Rapid Antigen Tests) from New Zealand for ordinary people even though these are readily available in other OECD countries. Singapore actually gives out free RAT kits containing 30 tests at a time.

The “Pied Piper of Hamelin” was a fairytale of 1284 set in the town of Hamelin, Lower Saxony, Germany where the Pied Piper whilst playing a tune led the rats out of the town.

The Red Queen made a huge mistake imitating the Pied Piper by getting rid of RATs under her Covid 19 response.

She may have done it to stop the unvaccinated from getting hold of RATs and proving they did not have Covid and could therefore safely return to work, which would have undermined her draconian mandates. This was a scenario that Ardern could not contemplate as control would be lost. Remember, it’s not about health, it’s about control.

Image credit The BFD.

The Red Queen’s MOH MOP (Ministry of Plenty) has been caught ‘Red Handed’ purloining stocks from private companies’ suppliers when it looked like the big companies who had been testing employees with RATs were running out due to worldwide demand.

However there was a knight of the realm, Sir Ian Taylor, who rode in to rescue the Red Queen in her dilemma. Sir Ian sent an email to Dr Bloomfield telling him Kuda Spectrum had stocks and that the offer had been on the table to the government for two months. If they had been ordered then the much-needed RATs would have been here by now.

But wait, there’s more.

Foodstuffs decided to get involved in supplying smaller companies that had cost issues. In a matter of 3 hours, Foodstuffs assured smaller companies they would provide RATs at cost price. Why can’t the ‘Ministry of Plenty’ work this fast?

The ‘Ministry of Plenty’ was featured in Orwell’s book 1984. Generally, ministries were named for the exact opposite of what they actually were. Northampton University recently warned students that 1984 is a dangerous book. One wonders when the actual book burning will take place.

One also wonders why the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ is so far behind the rest of the world. We don’t even have the excuse of a Tongan volcanic eruption and tsunami cutting off connections. If the Internet were working properly for the government they would know that ‘boosters’ have now become unfashionable. Even Joe Biden has cottoned onto this fact. He wants RATs to be the first line of defence against Omicron, as the CDC has said boosters only give fading protection against Omicron.

Imperial College London is agreeing with Dr Peter McCullough, saying boosters don’t work. McCullough has said they are useless and should be thrown in the bin. But the Red Queen has already ordered them and, to save face, will probably proceed with a useless product, even allowing children to take them despite dire warnings from the inventor of mRNA Dr Robert Malone that they are dangerous for children.

Our overseas standing is taking a hit as well. The Daily Express is stunned at New Zealand’s new Covid restrictions, writing that they are thankful that they live in the UK as at least if you live in the UK and are a citizen you can get back into your own country, unlike stranded Kiwis, who have had MIQ doors shut in their faces.

Lawrence Fox, London’s ex mayoral hopeful has taken to referring to our Prime Minister as “Jacinda the Hun”. He said we should demand the removal of the Union Jack from the New Zealand flag until “Jacinda the Hun” is toppled and replaced with a sane person.

Another excoriating tweet concerning the Red Queen is the one from GB presenter and New Zealander Dan Wootton, who said it was “unbelievable cruelty” initially refusing an MIQ spot to pregnant Charlotte Bellis, a journalist in Afghanistan. She had to re-enter Afghanistan at the courtesy of the Taliban. It was the only country she had a visa for.

More kindness was delivered by the Taliban than ‘Be Kind’ Jacinda.

An Australian journalist and TV presenter Laura Jayes has asked whether Australia could look after Charlotte Bellis if New Zealand can’t. It has now been reported that Bellis has been offered asylum by another country. The baby girl is due in May.

You might be familiar with The song “Pied Piper” written by Changin Times, as it was used in a Toyota jingle for the Echo car in 2000. Here are a few pertinent verses.

With your masquerading
And you always contemplating what to do
In case heaven has found you, can’t you see it’s all around you
So Follow MeHEY
Come on babe
Follow me I’m the Pied Piper
Follow me I’m the Pied Piper
And I’ll show you where it’s atCome on, babe Can’t you see
I’m the Pied  Piper Trust in me
I’m the Pied Piper
And I’ll show you where it’s at.

More certain than climate, economic doom. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.
