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Red Queen Checks Bishop (Again)

Image credit The BFD.

The Red Queen is trying to wipe the Bishop off the chessboard. This is the third time she has checked him for allegedly breaking the Covid 19, Public Health Response Act. Bishop Brian Tamaki and his wife Hannah had been at a gathering in the Domain last Saturday with about 2,000 people and insisted they hadn’t broken the Covid rules.

The gathering outside the Auckland Central Police Station on Tuesday when Tamaki and his wife arrived looked like a scene from The Matrix with appropriate costuming in black and regulatory sunglasses. The only thing missing were the Ninja Warriors, but they might have been disguised in the form of ‘Kapa Haka’.

Ardern is up against it, by the look of the muscular Maori blokes outside the police station waiting for Tamaki to arrive. These are not little old white-haired ladies who could be a pushover (literally). These are the (I Shall Not Be Moved) Folk.

Video credit: Coronavirus Plushie

Bishop Tamaki said he was not a citizen of “Jacinda’s New Zealand” and refused to be a part of anything she was creating, and would rather live in “Dangerous Freedom”.  He said Auckland had already been in jail for nearly 100 days with lockdowns which he referred to as the “Auckland Prison”.

The Red Queen has already done a backflip on the double jab for crossing the internal border. Bishop Tamaki felt sorry for all those who had taken the jab for travel in particular when you can now have a Covid test before departure.

Tamaki thought that the installation of the new Traffic Lights System by the Red Queen would be the beginning of “Segregation”.  He thought more harm had been done to the country by the government’s response than the actual Covid 19.

According to the Telegraph, someone else who has done a backflip on Covid restrictions is First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon. After a 70 page report from the government, she has decided to abandon plans for vaccine passports for pubs, restaurants and theatres, saying it would cause too much of a downturn on the economy.

Plus, Ms Sturgeon found that threatening young people with exclusion from these places had done little to lift young vaccination rates. Allowing entry with a negative test will be more in line with some other European countries.

Perhaps Ms Ardern could learn something from this and not impose draconian measures on all the population, causing them to lose jobs in the process. There is a way out of this. Bring in rapid antigen testing.

Young Maori in particular are diffident about taking an experimental Covid 19 jab, as indeed the young Scots are. It probably comes from being more informed about side effects and continuing loss of efficacy of the jab and more importantly loss of natural immunity. This is why the Red Queen said, “We are the single source of Truth,” to deter any further investigation and to avoid opening a can of worms.

It will not look good for the Red Queen’s ‘Be Kind’ image overseas that a Maori pastor has been pilloried for exercising his ‘Free Speech’ rights. Tamaki thinks ‘Free Speech’ is on the chopping board anyway with Hate Speech legislation coming up.

This song by Elvis Presley has probably already crossed the Tamakis’ minds.

Jailhouse Rock.The warden threw a party in the County Jail, The Prison Band was there and they began to wail, The band was jumping and the joint began to swing, You Shouda heard those knocked out jailbirds sing. Let’s rock everybody, let’s rock, Everybody in the whole cell block. Was dancing to the jailhouse rock.
