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Red Queen Falls from Her High Horse

Red Queen. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

The Red Queen has finally fallen off her high horse due to a High Court decision on Friday 25 February 2022.

Justice Francis Cooke brought his gavel down hard on the Prime Minister, saying the government had made “unjustified incursions” on the rights of 164 members of the Police and 115 members of the Defence Force who had lost their jobs because of mandates.

This will open a can of worms as others are lining up to litigate against the Government.  The protestors were right all along about the Red Queen riding roughshod over the Bill of Rights.

The only experienced political leaders who had the guts to walk through the so-called ‘Rivers of Filth’ were Winston Peters and Rodney Hide not to mention ex-National MP Matt King and New Conservative co-leaders Helen Houghton and Ted Johnston.

Winston was probably harkening back to Winston Churchill’s ‘Fight them on the Beaches’ speech of 4 June 1940. The speech included the lines “We shall fight in the fields and the streets”. These fields and streets must surely be the ones around Wellington Parliament. Churchill went on to say, “We will defend our Island home, outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if not alone. We will never surrender.”

The fight continued over bridges as well. The Auckland Harbour Bridge was where thousands turned up on Saturday 26 February to hikoi over a swaying harbour bridge. I know of at least one person who got terrible vertigo. The cry went up ‘Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, the Mandates Must Go’. ‘Heigh Ho’ (circa 1520) was used as an encouraging cry of old, not to be confused with Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs who had a similar cry.

Even if politicians cannot ‘read the room’, some journalists like John Roughan of the NZ Herald can. He writes, “There is a limit to compliance.”

The TFRC is asking for non-compliance and lifting of Covid restrictions starting at 10am today, Tuesday the 1st of March 2022.

The Red Queen can only lament she is not able to follow in the steps of her doppelgänger mate Trudeau right now when faced with countrywide rebellion. He froze truckers’ bank accounts, then unfroze them so they could be sued. Nice touch! He also wants to strip them of their car licences and overseas travel. Ardern got in first in the tyranny stakes by actually banning most Kiwis from returning to their own country for the past two years, thus depriving them of saying goodbye to their dying loved ones.

But don’t worry, the White Knights like Sir Russell Coutts are ready to charge the Infidel. He was at the Wellington protest on the weekend outside the Palace of Versailles which is about to fall. He said he was there because he had grown up in freedom in New Zealand and he wanted his grandchildren to do the same. He did not want to see the same set of circumstances in New Zealand again where freedoms could be taken away so easily.

Christopher Cross has written a few words for Knight Coutts in his song ‘Sailing’.

Well it’s not too far to Never Never land
No reason to pretend
And if the wind is right you can find the joy of innocence again
Takes me away to where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
Soon I will be free.
