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Red Queen Has Lost Her Crown

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

The Red Queen can barely show her face around the country without hecklers and demonstrators showing up, as evidenced in the last few days in Northland and Whanganui. The third appearance of the PM was a non-event due to this opposition. “Hear ye! Hear ye all! The Red Queen is in retreat.”

On top of this, according to the Roy Morgan poll, Labour have gone below the psychological barrier of 40%. They are at 39.5%. A drop of 6% since September.

There has been a gender shift in the polls too. Women voters are crucial to who wins the election. National has gone up 3% and NZ First 1%.

Kiwiblog is asking if the government has lost its mind. According to our ‘Dear Leader’, the unvaxed will be unable to leave Auckland over the summer. The Berlin Wall is to remain.

Auckland checkpoint. Image credit The BFD.

Both the Vaxed and the Unvaxed can spread Covid 19 Delta, so where is the ‘Science’ in this?  Chris Hipkins, Minister for Covid Response, has told Checkpoint (RNZ) that there could be allotted time spots for Aucklanders leaving to take their holidays. Sounds like the MIQ lottery system.

Do you notice how the propaganda machine is working overtime and has become invasive? There I was on Melbourne Cup Day, minding my own business, pondering my losses in the betting game, when I was jolted at the unusual time of 5.30pm by “This is a Special Announcement’” from the TV. I at least thought that the Third World War had broken out, but no, it was just part of Northland going into Lockdown Level 3.

All this is reminiscent of George Orwell’s novel “1984” set in ‘Oceania’ where all citizens were subjected to two way screens in their living rooms where announcements are made by ‘Big Brother’. Covid Zealot Chippie Hipkins in this case is ‘Big Brother’ and will make sure he is in your living room right after the Melbourne Cup when you just happen to be glued to your TV.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit SadButTrue

In the Lewis Carroll novel Through the Looking Glass, Alice is told by the Queen that there will be “Jam tomorrow” and “Jam yesterday” but not “Jam today”. JAFAs must think this applies to them as they never see jam. Andrew Bayly MP gave a stinger of a speech in parliament where he said 9,500 businesses had closed in Auckland and Waikato in the last three months. Mark on the AM Breakfast Show agreed with his sentiments. This government has played us for ‘Fools’, but not all of us are.

JAFAs may have to resort to being refugee boat people to get out of Auckland’s Gulag. Human smugglers will abound.

Perhaps Ardern and her joined-at-the-hip Covid Response Minister Hipkins will provoke a revolution, which will give them the excuse to clamp down even further. The number of protestors seems to be doubling every time there is an event. Ardern and Hipkins seemed to have ‘jumped the shark’ on their latest diktats, arresting more organisers from the Freedom and Rights Coalition this week which won’t stop the revolt.

In Through the Looking Glass, a ‘White Knight’ chess piece appears to help the ‘pawn’ Alice become Queen. She is told to “Cross the Brook” and make 8 chess moves to become Queen. You may wonder rightly who this ‘White Knight’ is. Obviously Jacinda Ardern is Alice.

Look back in the looking glass to 2005 when Jacinda Ardern was chosen as a ‘Young Global Leader’ (YGL) by the World Economic Forum (WEF), headed by Klaus Schwab of ‘Build Back Better’ fame. I see Schwab as Jacinda Ardern’s ‘White Knight’. WEF has plans for the ‘Great Reset’. Media moguls and other influential people have to be onboard with WEF to make this happen – and they are.

Ardern tells us she gets letters from children telling her to “Build Back Better”. The WEF operates on a 2030 Global Agenda where everything will be built back better.

Jacinda Ardern, along with Emmanuel Macron, Leo Varadkar and Sanna Marin were all included in the (YGL) list in 2005 and became leaders of their countries. Ardern was in good company. Young royals from the Netherlands, Norway and Saudi Arabia were included on the list. Ardern is no accidental prime minister; she was picked years ago.

It’s taken the undemocratic ‘Three Waters’ program to get up the nose of the leaders on the Right. 60 of the 67 councils, including Auckland, do not want this amalgamation to go ahead. They realise the Red Queen is in earnest in her Communist collectivism.

The Health Boards are next, then it will be He Puapua: all Maori favouritism programmes, but which are being masked as something else.

Ardern has had to make some quick exits ‘out the back’ recently from her once adoring public. Perhaps she should take advice from Paul Simon about ”50 Ways to leave your Lover.”

You just slip out the back Jack Make a new plan Stan You don’t need to be coy Roy Just get yourself free Hop on the bus Gus You don’t need to discuss much Just drop off the key Lee Get yourself free.

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