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Red Queen Needles 5-11-year-olds

Red Queen. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

Yip, yip, it’s happening – from January 15th Covid 19-Omicron vaccinations are available to 5-11-year-old children, despite several worldwide warnings against children being vaccinated.

The Red Queen is ploughing ahead despite the inventor of the mRNA vaccine Dr. Robert Malone M.D. M.S. saying he is against vaccination for children.

Even an article in the New York Times by Andrew Jacobs on December 28th 2021 said the risk of death associated with Covid 19 in healthy children is virtually non-existent, as children have significant immunologic advantages relative to the older adult population i.e. those over 65 years old. Dr. Malone says this is even rarer with Omicron and anyway Omicron is poorly matched to available vaccines.

This vaccine rollout for children is discrimination by ‘stealth’.  Those not vaccinated will not be able to take part in sport or go on field and camping trips. This is a hard yoke to put on young people’s necks. It is nothing but bullying by a more powerful person, the Red Queen.

But what are the main political parties saying or doing about this?  Are they any different to Labour?  Unfortunately not, they seem to be agreeing with the government.

Chris Bishop speaking to RNZ in October 2021, said the rollout for children could not come early enough. National list M.P. Harete Hipango has just been censured by Christopher Luxon for attending an anti-government rally in Whanganui and ordered to have her Facebook posts of it taken down.

National Party MP Harete Hipango at a Voices for Freedom protest in Whanganui. Photo source: Facebook

Director-General of Health Dr. Bloomfield was a bit late off the mark warning N.Z. DHBs about heart problems related to the mRNA vaccine in December 2021 when Israel had already put out warnings in April that year. Rory Nairn, a young man from Dunedin about to be wed, died from heart problems associated with the vaccine when perhaps he could have been saved had he been truly informed of the dangers.

19,000 adverse events of myocarditis are already on the VAERS database in the USA. It particularly affects those under 30 years of age.

It is estimated 1 in 3,000-6,000 teenage boys are affected. The irony of it is that this is the age group most unlikely to get Covid 19. Most adverse reactions go unreported.

The Red Queen and the Ministry of Health told us that the vaccine was completely safe before rollout. Also, further instructions were given that adverse reactions did not have to be reported. All this is shades of George Orwell’s 1984 Ministry of Truth.

Over 87,000 New Zealanders have signed a ‘Don’t Divide Us Petition’ asking for rapid antigen testing so people can at least go back to their jobs. Many professions are now under-staffed which is causing a problem in itself.

Emmanuel Macron of France used a very vulgar word when he was describing what he wanted to do to the unvaccinated.  The French word used was ‘emerder’ which means he wanted to P…OFF the unvaccinated and he was going to keep doing it to the end.
He told Le Parisien the French newspaper: I won’t put them in jail, or forcibly vaccinate them, but from January 15 they won’t be able to use restaurants, bars, theatre or cinema. It will affect their social life.

It sounds like Macron has taken a leaf out of Ardern’s handbook. As we know she considers herself a ‘world leader’. Why not take some of the credit for Macron’s upcoming legislation to P….OFF the unvaccinated?

The children though do not have a defender except for “Pink Floyd”.
These words adapted from ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ say it all.

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Red Queen leave those kids alone.
Hey! Leave those kids aloneAll in all it’s just another brick in the wall
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.
