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Red Queen Sees Red at Christmas

Santa’s stuck in MIQ this year. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Red Queen is seeing Red at Christmas Time, but it’s not Red Santa. He won’t be able to get in from the North Pole till well after December 25th when the whole event is over. A bit like the one million Kiwis overseas who can’t get back for Christmas.

Santa’s stuck in MIQ this year. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

No, it’s the Red Light system against the unvaccinated, who are mainly Maori and will be hunted down by paid-up Maori organisations. Personal data on Maori vaccinations have been handed over to these organisations to make it easier. But don’t think it will be just Maori; what about the rest of the population?

The ‘Untermenschen’ or ‘Unvaccinated’ will not be able to get a haircut till the Red Light turns Green but we have to go through Orange yet. That could be some time away.

Perhaps this is the Globalists’ way of identifying the ‘Untermenschen’ by long shaggy locks and, for women in particular, their blonding highlights left undone.

The Red Queen and Angela Merkel of Germany did a ‘two for one’ and introduced restrictions on the unvaccinated on the same day, December 2, 2021, the last day Merkel was in office. Ours started operating at 11.59pm that night. But that’s okay because Ardern thinks Merkel is a ‘great leader’. But it’s a question of who followed whom! Who did the dirty deed first?

Ardern is already skiting about NZ being the most highly vaccinated country in the OECD. So that’s where she was aiming! She had to pull her Zero Covid Cases failure back somehow.

But if you think the Red Queen is a villain, just look at Ursula von Leyen, the EU Commissioner whose name seems to be lifted out of a James Bond movie as the chief female villain. Perhaps the film was called “No Time To Die”.

Ursula wants everyone in the EU countries to be mandatorily vaccinated. According to the BBC, Austria is the first country in the world to introduce universal mandatory vaccination, which will start in February. The Telegraph also reports mandatory jabs for Germany’s health workers, and powers given to the 16 states to close bars, restaurants, nightclubs and big events if there are any serious outbreaks. These edicts will apply in March.

Ursula is not finished yet as, astoundingly, she wants the Nuremberg Code to be disregarded. This Code was created in 1947 in response to the horrific medical experiments forced on people during the Holocaust under Dr Joseph Mengele.

Julian Conradsons of TGP commented that, “Forcing individuals to take an experimental and dangerous vaccine would be in direct violation of the ‘Nuremberg Code’.”

Even the WHO says the Omicron variant is mild. But this won’t stop globalists from using this new variant to tie us down even more.

When the Red Queen took over, truth took a day off but the overseas media filled the gap and pilloried her, marvelling at how she was removing democracy through Three Waters programme, He Puapua and the centralisation of the health boards.

But there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. The Christmas Grinch has not completely stolen Christmas. According to the Roy Morgan poll, Labour are down 14 points since the last election and a centre-right coalition of ACT and National have the numbers to crunch the Red Queen.

The Christmas bells will no doubt ring out at Christmas, but as the English poet John Donne warned, “Do not ask for whom the Bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

Splitz Enz introduced us to “I see Red, I see Red, I see Red”. And just as well they did!

When my baby's walking down the street I see Red, I see red, I see red How can someone wicked walk around free I see Red, I see Red, I see Red (hey!) I see Red You gave me such precious hours What to do without you Squeezed me out of your life Down the drain like molten toothpaste I feel used and spat out Poor old Me!

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