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Image credit The BFD.

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” These words were said in anger by Henry II at his castle in Normandy in 1170 about his friend Thomas Beckett, who had been Chancellor but was now Archbishop of Canterbury. Four knights crossed the channel and dispatched the ‘turbulent priest’ in Canterbury Cathedral.

A similar scenario is playing out in New Zealand with Bishop Brian Tamaki, who has been arrested twice because he had the temerity to protest against continuing lockdowns. Who will be the first to say ‘Checkmate’ in this very public game of chess?

Beware, Bishop: the Queen can move in any direction.

A moment of tension in the Vatican. If the bishop moves forward the Queen can take him.

Unfortunately for the Red Queen, rebellion spread to the rest of the country on her very own Super Saturday, October 16, when the Vaxathon was on. Twice the number turned up at the Auckland Domain than the previous week to support the Bishop.

Sue Grey of the ‘Freedom And Rights Coalition’ is turning into a bit of a star. At least 3,000 turned up to hear her speak at Mt. Maunganui.

She said a whistleblower had leaked to the Bishop that there had been 696 suicides over lockdown. The NZ Bill of Rights gives us the freedom to protest. There were similar ‘picnics’ in Wellington, Whangarei, Hamilton and other parts of the country.

NZ Vaxathon. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

The Vaxathon was not the roaring success Ardern would have us believe as only 38,000 received their first jab despite all the full-page advertising in newspapers. Many, like Esau, sold their birthright for a ‘mess of pottage’, with enticements of hangis, pizza, coffee served by the Prime Minister, and All Blacks tickets. Why wouldn’t ya?

If only the ‘gene therapy’ were worth it, but it’s not. The vaccine was designed for Covid 19 Alpha, not Delta, and the efficacy starts to wear off after a couple of months and keeps diminishing at the rate of 7% a month according to Dr Malone. Finally, the government has admitted it. We are to be human pin-cushions.

Those frontline workers vaccinated in March are now sleep-walking into the ‘despised class’ of the unvaccinated and will need boosters. This will apply to the elderly as well, as they were vaccinated in May.

It is worth noting that the booster Novavax is not ‘gene therapy’, it is an actual vaccine. We were sold a ‘pup’ in the first place.

It is interesting that the ‘Lectern of Lies’ doctors Bloomfield and Wiles have only just had their second jab at the Vaxathon. Why the wait? Is it because they know the efficacy of Pfizer doesn’t last? How can you trust doctors when they can’t tell you if a swim took place at Judges Bay when there is video evidence to prove it?

Fran O’Sullivan (NZ Herald) is noticing ‘For Lease’ signs up in her area of the CBD in Auckland. She said unless businesses get the ‘Christmas Bump’ they have had it because in January some are closed, especially hospitality ones. It must have stuck in many a restaurateur’s craw that Ardern wanted celebrity chef Peter Gordon to cater for her wedding at the Bushmere Arms in Gisborne while Auckland restaurants are going to the wall.

Ardern’s team of 5.5 m seems to have shrunk because the 1.7 m in Auckland never see her. She is hanging out in Level 2 areas. Why wouldn’t you? The rest of us would do it if we could, but under lockdowns and Level 3s, JAFAs can’t.

Our media might be almost totally closeted but the overseas ones are not yet. The Daily Telegraph made the comment that Rock Star Ardern is suffering from ‘Second Album Syndrome’ where the Second Album is not as good as the first. The first successful Album might have been called “Elimination” and the second, not so successful one called “Breakout”.

An NBC commentator misheard a chant (or so she said) at the NASCAR rally and thought they were saying “Let’s go Brandon” rather than what they were ‘really really’ chanting which was a diss of Joe Biden. “Let’s go Brandon” has gone viral. According to the Daily Mail Loza Alexander has gone to the top of iTunes with his rap.

Here is one of mine: “Let’s go Brandon” or if you prefer “Let’s go Cindy”

Let’s go Brandon, Enough of this tyranny, And infamy, Let’s go Brandon. Time to go Ardern, Let’s go Cindy. Jacinda Jab, Enough of this, To be had, Let’s go Brandon. What do we want? Freedom, Let’s go Brandon. We’re not Commies yet, You bet, Let’s go, Brandon. Time to go Ardern, Let’s go, Cindy. Yeah Aha... Yeah Aha...Yeah Aha... Yeah Aha...
