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Now, here’s an obituary I’m reading with a very broad smile indeed: The Democratic Socialists of America are financially imploding. Socialists running out of other people’s money? Well, I never.

But it seems that even some socialists have their limits when it comes to cheerleading for genocidal, antisemitic terrorists.

Facing severe financial shortfalls, leaders of the Democratic Socialists of America are demanding staff cuts and layoffs, according to a new report.

The New York Post revealed that the DSA, which has been leading protests against the Jewish state of Israel since the day after the deadly Oct 7 massacre by Hamas, is in a “seven-figure hole.”

Pass me my tiniest violin, Jeeves.

Or maybe, the DSA can pass the hat to their most famous leader, Bernie Sanders. Comrade Bernie need only sell one or two of his houses to bring his fellow reds back into the black.

But, as is so often the way with the Parties of the Workers, it’s the workers who get thrown on to the scrapheap first. Their parasite leaders continue living the nomenklatura lifestyle to which they’ve become entitled.

According to a proposal by members of the DSA’s National Political Committee, that is affiliated with its Marxist Bread and Roses caucus, “We will cut $500,000 from staff-related expenses. We will first ask for volunteers from both director-level and bargaining unit staff to have their position cut and receive severance.”

“If necessary, we will then explore initiating lay-offs according to the DSA union’s contract.”

DSA members Alex Pellitteri, Kristin Schall, and Laura Wadlin wrote in the reduction recommendation, “DSA is in a financial crisis and staff-related costs account for 58 per cent of our total expenditures and 72 per cent of our projected income.”

It turns out that this is more than just a standard socialist failure-story: the implosion of the DSA has been brought about by its active campaigning for Jew-hating terrorists.

According to The Post, DSA leaders are being blamed for the organization’s financial crisis after they supported Hamas terrorists and have long supported antisemitic efforts such as the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel.

Amanda Berman, founder and executive director of Zioness, a group representing liberal Jews who support Israel, told the outlet, “DSA long ago fell into the trap of becoming so radical in the name of ‘justice’ that they abandoned the mission of the progressive movement.”

Or perhaps liberal Jews might want to consider whether the left really is their natural home or not.

Unfortunately, even the tawdry pogrom-cheerleading of the flagship-left Democratic Socialists isn’t enough to shatter the blinkered delusions of welded-on leftists.

She added that members admitted to “…bleeding activists and financial resources” and that “After Hamas’s brutal invasion of Israel on October 7, DSA doubled down on their strategy of going deep and long on antisemitism, thinking it might get them out of the hole. Instead, this depraved idea dug them even deeper.”

Berman continued, “True progressives, whether in the grassroots or in political leadership, will continue rejecting this extremist group and its hateful ideas in the name of true justice and equity, including for Jewish Americans.”

The Post Millennial

The only problem is that these hateful ideas are the ruling ideas of the “progressive left”.

Where to, now, ‘true progressive’ Jewish Americans?
