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Removing the Fatwa Won’t Save Facebook


Facebook is in BIG trouble. When their exemption to their policy on Violence and Incitement to allow for threats against those on their dangerous individuals and organisations list was revealed they moved swiftly to change the wording.

Facebook’s exemption to its policy on threats and violence before the wording was changed.

You would think that a person or organisation would have to be pretty bad to be labelled “dangerous” but you would be wrong.

According to Facebook pretty much anyone who has conservative or right-wing views and who had a huge online following can be classified as “Organised hate.”

Facebook’s policy rationale
Facebook’s definition of a hate organisation

Included in their list of dangerous individuals and organisations are:

  • The British National Party and its former chairman Nick Griffin
  • Political party Britain First, its leader, Paul Golding, and former deputy leader Jayda Fransen
  • The English Defence League and Paul Ray
  • Knights Templar International and Jim Dowson
  • The National Front and Tony Martin; and the far-right activist Jack Renshaw, a former spokesperson for the proscribed terrorist organisation National Action.
  • Journalist and activist Tommy Robinson
  • Journalist Paul Joseph Watson
  • Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan,
  • Infowars host Alex Jones
  • Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Journalist Laura Loomer
  • Gavin McInnes, comedian and leader of the Proud Boys,
  • Canadian Journalist Faith Goldy

The original version of their new policy clearly incited the violent and hateful among their 2 billion users to threaten to kill people whose points of view differ from the Leftist agenda. Their new policy painted a target on the backs of everyone that they had designated to be a Dangerous individual or Organisation.

They cannot undo the damage because for the period of time that the old wording was up all their customers were told that violence against those people and groups was Facebook approved.

Journalist Laura Loomer was designated a dangerous person by Facebook and is now suing Facebook for $3 Billion dollars.

In a lawsuit filed this week, Loomer claimed that Facebook defamed her by labelling her dangerous.

“When you call someone a dangerous person, you’re in effect making them a pariah,” says Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. “You’re making them untouchable.”

The lawsuit says Facebook’s community standards describe dangerous individuals and organizations as “those involved in terrorist activity, organized hate, mass or serial murder, human trafficking, [or] organized violence or criminal activity.” Loomer, the suit argues, “does not fall, or come close to falling,” into any of those categories and “has never once advocated violence against any person or group of persons.” Instead, she is “simply a conservative, Jewish woman who has used social media to call out anti-Semitism and violence against homosexuals, while expressing her political views and opinions.”

Facebook has never bothered to prove that any of their banned users were dangerous individuals and people can be un-personed with no opportunity to appeal.

Facebook even tracks off-platform behavior to determine whether users should be blacklisted as “hate agents,” according to internal documents seen by Breitbart, meaning merely showing up at the same event as a “dangerous individual” can potentially earn a user the designation. The site’s list of hate agents is reportedly quite exhaustive and includes British politicians Carl Benjamin and Anne Marie Waters as well as conservative commentators like Yiannopoulos and Candace Owens.

Because all this classification goes on in secret, users have no chance to appeal their un-personing, and may never even know they are being judged, until they start receiving Facebook-approved death threats of their own.

Facebook may have signed its own death warrant. Their latest misstep has the potential to take it down for good.


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