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The Things Media Won’t Tell You

A Trump win looks inevitable. Will Kamala’s friend Jacinda find a place at Harvard for her so they can spout their Marxist duologues?

Photo by Clay Banks / Unsplash

Regarding the presidential election in America, listening, watching or reading about this in the mainstream media gives you no idea of what is really happening. The results of polling from those companies which have proven to be the most accurate at picking the winner, are painting a very different picture from what 1News (Pravda) and other left-wing media are delivering – they do this by employing a false narrative – a tactic they employ on many occasions. It is their go-to for spreading propaganda.

In this case they would have you believe it is a very tight race, whilst the opposite is true. They can do this without being accused of telling a falsehood, because they use the overall popular vote numbers showing only a few points between the candidates. This is misleading because it not the popular vote that determines the outcome. The Electoral College is the mechanism that decides the winner.

Each state participates in the Electoral College and has a certain number of votes allocated. There are 538 votes in total so the first candidate to reach 270 wins the White House. As Hillary Clinton found out in 2016 the popular vote does not mean you win the Electoral College or the election!

Many polls appear to have Kamala Harris winning the popular vote by anything between two and five points which is highly unlikely. The best pollsters take many factors into account including removing bias and the most accurate of them all, Rasmussen, who poll daily, have Trump up by three on average. They publish weekly the results of their daily polls and have been consistently reporting Trump ahead for months.

In the Electoral College, Rasmussen and other pollsters are showing Trump with a commanding lead, on average 312 to 226. Trump leads in all the battleground or swing states by margins of between two and six points. There is a chance he could flip a couple of blue states such as Virginia and New Jersey. Harris’s margins in true blue states are a lot narrower than they were with Biden, Clinton or Obama. Some swing states such as Idaho and Ohio are now firmly in the Republican column. Texas and Florida are heading the same way.

The Republicans are also on track to win big in the Senate and to retain the House. Harris has performed badly in both the debate with Trump and in one-on-one interviews. She failed to turn up to a regular charity roast organised by the Catholic Church where both candidates get to poke fun at each other in fun and good humour. Evidently she was too busy, which is code for ‘I can’t do this’. She is the first candidate not to appear in 40 years. The last candidate who failed to do so was Walter Mondale and he went on to win just ONE state in the Electoral College.

It is worth noting that Harris, who has consistently polled as the most disliked vice president in American history, was handed the right to run for president without having to contest it through primaries. When she did contest the primaries (prior to the 2020 election), her hypocrisy was exposed by Tulsi Gabbard and she was the first to be eliminated.

There are similarities between her and ‘that woman’ with whom who we had to put up for longer than we care to remember. A Harris presidency would end up in total disaster and chaos the same way Ardern’s premiership did.

You will hear or read little of the above in the mainstream media. Those who are unaware of how the voting system works or just how unpopular Harris is will likely think she’s a shoo-in to become the 47th president. Nothing could be further from the truth. As we know, most of the overseas news comes courtesy of left-wing media. In the Weekend Herald there is a two page spread from the Times (more left than it used to be), headlined “Made in California: Can her kudos win over the Nation?”

Kudos, according to the Oxford Language Dictionary, means praise and honour received for an achievement.

So – she lets in thousands of rapists, murderers and other criminals at the border. She claims her boss was sharp as a tack when everybody could see he was declining into senility. And she refuses to take responsibility for the inflation under her term in office. Like Ardern, she talks a lot but says nothing of consequence. She is now well known for her ‘word salads’. She is bereft of any achievement.

The Herald spread was nothing more than chats with her friends, colleagues and allies: there was nothing meaningful, objective or important to be learnt from it.

Her opponents accuse her of being a compulsive liar and of not being upfront. She has been unable to explain what her policies might be. When she tries to, she exhibits a basic lack of understanding of how the economy works. Again, the spectre of Ardern raises its head. She thinks a ban on price gouging is the answer to rising costs. She is, in truth, a hard left Marxist.

Polls in this country suggest the majority here want to see Harris win. That, to me, illustrates the extent to which the media is misleading NZ. It is time for the media to stop talking nonsense and provide an accurate picture of what actually is happening. Early voting, which has already begun, appears to be already favouring Trump. That is in line with the most believable polls. A Trump win looks inevitable.

Will Ardern try and find Harris a place at Harvard where they can jointly continue to spout their Marxist nonsense?
