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Reset the Clock: Yet Another “Rainbow” Paedophile

Reset the Clock: Yet another “rainbow progressive” accused of child abuse. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Reset the Clock” was one of the lesser-known foot-soldiers in the Great Meme War of 2016. While not quite the poster boy as Pepe or Wojak, Reset the Clock nevertheless fought a worthy battle in highlighting the hypocrisy and creepiness of the Woken-SS.

“Reset the Clock” referred to the constant drip of revelations that yet another woke-left male feminist had been accused, charged or convicted of rape, sexual assault or violence, even murder, against women. It wasn’t exactly a new phenomenon, of course: way back in 1977, Earth Day founder Ira Einhorn murdered his girlfriend and left her body to rot in his closet while he fled to Europe.

Cartoon by Stonetoss. The BFD.

But it was GamerGate which made Reset the Clock a meme. GamerGate centered around leftists accusing video game culture of “sexism and anti-progressivism”. Yet it was the outspoken, soy-boy, male feminist leftists who kept being exposed as creepy abusers. As cartoonist Stonetoss depicted them, male feminist lefists are predators camouflaging themselves in order to sneak up on their prey.

But it seems that there are plenty more predators on the left than just the white-knighting soy-boys.

The former mayor of Sebastopol, Cal., a progressive Democrat who voiced support for Black Lives Matter rioters and defunding police, was arrested Saturday morning over multiple felony child sex crimes.
“Reset the Clock” became a popular meme in the wake of GamerGate. The BFD.
Sebastopol Police booked 44-year-old Robert Emmanuel Jacob on 11 felony counts related to sexual assault crimes against a minor aged 14 or 15.

The charges against Jacob, who is openly gay and married as of 2019, include transportation of a child for lewd and lascivious acts, arranging a meeting for sexual purposes with a person believed to be underage, sexual penetration of a child under 16-years-old and harmful material sent with the intent to seduce a minor.

Jacob is a card-carrying “Progressive”.

In addition to the former mayor’s accused sex crimes, he has posted frequently in support of violent extremism against police. In June 2020, he thanked Black Lives Matter rioters, glorifying the arrested as “warriors” part of the infantry on the front lines[…]

In another post the same month, Jacob advocated for defunding police. “Defunding is about re-funding,” he wrote on Facebook. “Defund the police to re-fund the resources we’ve been slashing for generations.” He also praised Minneapolis’ city council for promising to dismantle its police department.

A prominent cannabis advocate and longtime executive in the industry, Jacob is also the former president and CEO of San Francisco marijuana dispensary chain SPARC. Jacob was touted by cannabis activists as the first pundit from the medical marijuana market to become the mayor of an American city.

Jacob joins the list of rainbow “progressives” to be accused or convicted of kiddy-diddling. From the founder of Drag Queen Story Hour to one of the main organisers of the anti-Trump riots at the 2016 inauguration, to the celebrity frequent flyers on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express”, a cavalcade of leading progressives have been outed as creepy abusers.

When I write of the left trying to normalise paedophilia, even I can’t help but feel as if it’s just so much hyperbole. Then stuff like this happens – and just keeps on happening.

Reset the Clock.

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