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The Cairns Colditz. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How quick we have been to hand over our hard-won freedoms, out of fear. A hysterical global campaign of fear-mongering over what, by historical standards, is a pretty run-of-the-mill pandemic, has exposed the modern West for the snivelling poltroons that we are.

The Chinese virus is roughly on a par with the Hong Kong Flu of the late 1960s. Yet life in the late 60s went on pretty much as normal. Certainly, there were no lockdowns, no “social distancing”, no mask mandates and absolutely no mandatory hotel quarantine.

We know beyond doubt now that almost all of those policies are not just wrong, they’re veritably wicked.

So the few brave individuals who’re prepared to resist should be celebrated.

A 32-year-old woman allegedly scaled two balconies, fled down an outside stairwell and kicked in a door to escape hotel quarantine in Cairns, according to police.

The wild dash from the mandatory hotel stay was caught on CCTV and sparked a hunt for the interstate traveller.

Nothing else says we live in a clown world dictatorship than the fact that hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are wasted, hunting down someone who had been arbitrarily detained by a power-mad state government.

Deputy Commissioner Steve Gollschewski said the woman arrived from Sydney on July 1 and was transported to the Cairns Pacific International to complete two weeks in quarantine.

How mad is it that someone who travels just a few hundred kilometres, from one city to another, is banged up for two weeks without actually breaking any laws?

Even more mad was the fact that she was no threat to anyone.

The 32-year-old had returned a negative Covid-19 test at the beginning of her stay in quarantine and was awaiting further tests after being taken into custody.

This unsung hero of COVID resistance certainly displays some impressive commando skills.

“It appears this person scaled two balconies, gone down an outside staircase and has damaged a door to escape,” Mr Gollschewski told reporters on Tuesday morning[…]

He said the woman “kicked in” a door to escape the facility so she was “fairly motivated”.

This is not the first attempt to escape from arbitrary detention. Others have been fined thousands of dollars. Some have even injured themselves, trying to scale down buildings.

But, while politicians and the media will sniff and finger-wag, some commenters are clearly siding with the “COVID resistance”.

Locked up for the crime of traveling within Australia and not having any infectious disease. Queenslanders, you can all be proud of yourselves for re-electing a pack of idiots into government[…]

What a surprise, somebody resents being locked up and wants their life back. I am constantly amazed at how we have given away our freedoms to these hopeless, power crazed Premiers. The elderly and the frail need to be offered the vaccine (if they want it) and the rest of us need to be able to get on with our lives[…]

Finally there are rumblings of resistance in this land. Dictatorial premiers take note[…]

So, on the premise of public health, we have thrown out all the principles of a democratic, free society where you can be detained without charge (called “quarantine”), pursued and arrested for committing nothing more than exercising your right to free movement, required to register at every commercial place you visit (how long before homes will have to have QR code I wonder?) and all the while, there is no plan for ceasing this process[…]

What a sick, authoritarian dystopia we have become.

The Australian

Perhaps there’s hope for us, yet.

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