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Resources to Help Stop Mandatory Fluoridation

Photo Provided for Use – Copyright Free Signs in main street of Dannevirke May 2024


For those interested in more information about the fluoride issue, we have compiled a list of resources to help raise awareness and also to help anyone wanting to take action and challenge the mandatory fluoridation chemicals in community water. If you are speaking to your local councillors, local council, MP or anyone else, you may find something useful to share from this list.

Films/Videos on Fluoridation Chemicals

New Zealand

1) Peter Dunne and Water Fluoridation legislation 2016 (8.56 mins)

YouTube video

The amendment to the Health Act that made provision for the DGoH to be the sole decider about water fluoridation was first tabled in parliament in 2016 by Peter Dunne. At that stage fluoridation decision making was going to be shifted to the DHBs but by the time it got passed into law (2021) Labour was in power and the DHBs were gone, so the decision making power went to the Director-General of Health.

Watch this short video of Peter Dunne delivering the 1st Reading in parliament. He is derogatory about those with concerns.

@ 4.07 “So Mr Speaker I say, for the benefit of the tin-foil hat wearing, UFO-abducted anti-fluoride campaigners out there still peddling the same old pseudoscience myths, there is nothing left to debate on this issue. It is over, science has won. The government’s website, provides comprehensive information and responses on community fluoridation, and I encourage anyone interested in this issue to take a look.”

2) Question to Dr Shane Reti 2023 (1.12 mins)

A member of the public asks Dr Reti, Minister of Health, if he is aware of the recent NTP (National Toxicology Programme) report showing fluoride lowers IQ. [Note Chris Bishop smirking when it is stated that fluoride lowers the IQ of children.] Dr Reti ‘believes in a different science’ but is unwilling/unable to reference his science. A religion perhaps?

3) Fluoride on the Brain 2023 (36 mins)

YouTube video

This is a recent documentary made in conjunction with Reality Check Radio and describes the current situation in New Zealand. It is notable that none of the proponents of fluoridation from the Ministry of Health in NZ were willing to speak and explain ‘their science’ or how the benefits supposedly outweigh the risks. Dr Robin Whyman, Director NZ Dental Association, did provide written correspondence after the film was completed which is available in the links below the film.

4) Dr Scanlon presentation to New Plymouth Council 2011 (8.16 mins)

YouTube video

Part of Dr Peter Scanlon’s presentation to the New Plymouth District Council’s Tribunal Hearing in 2011. Councillors decided to stop 40-year fluoridation program as a result of the Hearing. Dr Scalon’s 40 minute presentation played a big part in that decision.

5) Dr Paul Connett interviews Dr John Colquhoun (NZ dentist) 1998 (52.23 mins)

YouTube video

This is an interview during one of Paul Connett’s NZ tours. In 1971, Dr Colquhoun became Principal Dental Officer for the Auckland Health District and was very pro-fluoridation. In 1980 he was asked to do a world tour to learn more about water fluoridation to support the implementation of it in NZ. What he found did not support the implementation of fluoridation and he became an ardent anti-fluoridationist! Hear him tell his story in his own words.

6) Presentation of Petition to Hastings District Council May 2024  (16 mins)

YouTube video

Two community members present a petition (@2.47 – 18.53) asking HDC to stop water fluoridation and speak about their concerns.

7) Presentation to Tararua District Council May 2024 (39 mins)

YouTube video

Two community members make a presentation to Tararua Council regarding their concerns re fluoridation. The Mayor abruptly dismisses their request for a discussion @39.42.

But I’ll give you a quick answer in the short term before I discuss this with councillors. But in the next few weeks, no we won’t be having those conversations. This council has their focus and energy on the long term plan and that’s the role of this council.

8) Presentation to Cambridge Community Board Jun 2024 (25 mins)

YouTube video

An articulate community member expresses the concerns and wishes of citizens (@22.15 – 47.13) and asks why their voices don’t matter.

Films/Videos on Fluoridation Chemicals


9) Derrick Broze Mar 2023 (34.12)

Activist and investigative journalist, Derrick Broze, describes the near decade-long legal battle between multiple watchdog groups and the Environmental Protection Agency in the US, as well as attempts to suppress the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) report that could blow the lid off serious dangers of fluoride toxicity in U.S. drinking water.

10) Michael Connett Update on Fluoride lawsuit Oct 2023 (1.05 hours)

Discusses the recent NTP report with evidence that fluoride lowers IQ and the various efforts made to delay, hide and/or water down the report.

11) Lawyer Michael Connett re NTP report shenanigans Apr 2024 (7.36 mins)

YouTube video

Further brief update on what is happening with the NTP report and the US legal action that has been stalled waiting for the report to be published.

12) The Fluoride Deception 2011 (30 mins)

YouTube video

Christopher Bryson talks about his 10-year investigation into the history of fluoridation and its association with the aluminium and nuclear industries dating back to the 1930s. Details how the science on adverse effects was hidden and how the scientists and doctors speaking out were silenced.

13) Dr Mark Trozzi and Dr Bob Dickson May 2024 (41.37 mins)

Interview with Dr Dickson on why not to fluoridate water:

Canadian doctors re water fluoridation, simple explanation of why not that is easy to understand and share with local decision makers. Includes details of the harassment of doctors and dentists and those speaking out about the dangers.

14) Fluoride on Trial Jan 2024 (1.02 hours)

Features lawyers Michael Connett and Mary Holland discussing the history of fluoridation and its dangers. They also discuss current litigation including the US government’s nefarious attempt to conceal the truth.

15) Dr. Hans Moolenburgh in Netherlands in 2014 (16.33 mins)

YouTube video

Hans is a Dutch doctor who through vagaries of local councils had half his patients drinking fluoridated water and half unfluoridated water. He describes his clinical experience observing the differences in health between his patients drinking fluoridated v unfluoridated water e.g., babies unsettled when bottles made with fluoridated water, stomach aches in those drinking fluoridated water.

16) Fluoride and Kidney patients (2.50 mins)

YouTube video

Short video about risks to kidney patients with fluoridated water.

Written Resources on Fluoridation Chemicals

1) NZ Ministry of Health

2) NTP report

3) NZ Royal Commission re Fluoride 1957

4) Privy Council Ruling

5) “The Fluoride Deception” by former BBC correspondent and award winning investigative reporter, Christopher Bryson was published in May 2004 by Seven Stories Press.

See also Fluoride Free NZ website for excellent resources.

This is going to be a big year for us all and it will be through the impact of our collective actions and the continual pressure on our policy makers that will help stop the practice of fluoridation.

This article was originally published by NZDSOS.


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