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REVEALED: NewstalkZB’s Deleted Audio

Yesterday we wrote about the coverup instigated by NewstalkZB after Mary Lambie, one of their guests, wished supporters of Donald Trump would inject themselves with poison.

NewstalkZB tried to bury the audio, deleting the segment from their On-Demand page, and producing only an edited version of the segment some hours later.

Mary Lambie says, “I think the great news to come out of all this is that all the Trump voters WILL inject themselves with disinfectant, which would be not a bad thing.

She goes on after one host says that he wouldn’t want anyone to follow Trump’s advice, “that would be hideous” he says, but Mary Lambie talks over him and says “No, no, no, the hardcore Trump [inaudible] you DO want them to inject disinfectant“.

No wonder they tried to deep six the audio down the memory hole.

We reached out to Mary Lambie, Shayne Currie and Jason Winstanley for comment. None has been forthcoming.

Now the audio has been found NewstalkZB and NZME are going to have to address the issue. They can’t pretend any longer that they are responsible media as they press the government for more handouts. NZME has received wage subsidies and with the broadcasting package, was thrown part of a $50million lifeline with reduced spectrum licence fees. All on the basis that they are responsible media.

The fact that they tried to cover this up just shows that they are irresponsible. A responsible media outlet would have addressed the issue instead of trying to bury it.

Mary Lambie made a career by portraying herself as a nice person. The reality is that she clearly isn’t. If she holds these views on air then one can just imagine what she has to say with a skinful of chardonnay.

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