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Riding the Tranny Tiger Is Easy: Getting off Is the Hard Part

Just lie back and think of diversity.

As the old adage goes, the problem with riding a tiger is actually getting off without being mauled. Western feminists have been riding the tiger of post-Marxist gender theory for decades. It was all fun and games while the beast was eating straight men, but now it’s hunting a new quarry: women. Not just straight women, either: this tiger has got its teeth into lesbians, too.

Feminists are finding, too late, that the tiger isn’t about to let them dismount without giving them a mauling.

I am ashamed now that I didn’t listen sooner, especially to what the gender-critical lesbians were saying. Lesbians are saying that they are being subject to sexual coercion, marginalisation and medicated conversion into “trans”.

Anyone who tried to warn of the dangers of transgender ideology was sneered at: it doesn’t affect you. But pretending that men are women affects everyone, even if they don’t buy the lie.

Women most of all.

Far from “inclusive”, transgenderism is emerging as the most misogynist ideology this side of Islam.

It’s not just about whether or not women have to share change rooms with creepy guys in dresses. Women are also being ordered to share their bodies with them. Or else.

They are being cancelled off social media, dating sites and thrown out of gay advocacy groups for raising these issues. I also, unfortunately, learned about the “cotton ceiling”, a way some trans-identified males try to argue their way into lesbians’ beds. A form of socially verified (woke) sexual coercion.

In case you’re not aware of it, “girl dick” is the trannies’ gambit to force women to have sex with them. If women, especially lesbians, refuse the oleaginous advances of some bearded man-lady, they’re vilified and persecuted. I’m not making this up: if lesbians refuse to have sex with trannies, they’re “transphobes” – with all the state-sanctioned punishment that follows.

The left gibber incessantly about “incels”, but at least the incels just want nothing to do with women. The left’s darlings, the trannies, want women to have sex with them and they’re prepared to use the most brutal coercion to get their way. If only we had a word for coercing women to have sex with men against their will…

It’s not just the women themselves: their children are next.

I am a middle-aged gender critical feminist and I am the new enemy of the progressive state. Women like me, all over the world are organising themselves again for our safety and the safety of our children. One such woman, Marion Millar, was charged this week in Scotland for “malicious communication with hate crime aggravator”, allegedly and almost unbelievably, in connection with a suffragette ribbon. If she is found guilty, she could face up to two years in prison.

Scotland’s ruling SNP are, as Theodore Dalrymple points out, nationalists and socialists: National Socialists. And they act it.

The SNP’s latest affront to liberty and decency is its “hate speech” laws that outlaw any expression of non-woke-ism in public.

Marion Millar reported on Twitter on the 28th of April that she had received a call from the Scottish police requesting an interview in relation to “homophobic and transphobic tweets under the malicious communications act”[…]

While Marion believes that transgender people deserve respect and compassion, she does not believe that trans-women are in fact “real” women.

Spectator Australia

And that, ladies, is all it takes to get the Gestapo of the Wokenreich kicking down your door.

We tried to tell you, all that time you were reading Andrea Dworkin, Judith Butler, and all the rest of the radical feminist, “Queer Theory” academics in the 80s. But you were too busy picketing lads’ mags and screeching autistically at terms like “chairman” to notice.

Now that they’ve come for the feminists and lesbians, you’ve left yourselves bugger-all ground to stand on.

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