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Robo-polling, When a Selection is On, is Just Bloody Stupid

Photoshopped image credit: The BFD


This post contains HURTY words and BLUNT opinions.
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then this post is definitely NOT for you.

Following up from telling voting delegates that you are the big swinging dick and have plenty of options that are available should you not win selection, the strategic genius that is Christopher Luxon is also boring delegates with speeches about how he’s “always been a leader” and peppering his speeches with comments about his great leadership. Talk about a massive turn-off for delegates when they are looking for someone to do the hard yards in the electorate.

He is just coming across like a show pony with little regard for locals because of his impeccable credentials and his virtual coronation by head office into a sweet seat.

Now we are getting reports that someone, (and it isn’t Jami-lee Ross because we checked), is robo-polling locals in Botany right now asking about “National candidate Christopher Luxon or Independent candidate Jami-Lee Ross”. No other options.

Now that is presumptuous and utterly stupid, to be polling when you haven’t even won selection yet.

Is he hoping to seed the results into his speech on Monday night?

Whoever is advising this clown clearly doesn’t know how the National party selects its candidates.

The arrogance on display is so bad that it is likely to backfire on him. Then again he won’t care as he has better offers on the table. He’s just CV building. I wonder if he will copy John Key and try to get appointed to the board of a big Chinese bank?
