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Australia clearly doesn’t have enough jihadis — because the Albanese government seems pretty keen to import more.

One of Anthony Albanese’s first virtue-signals after his 32% election win was granting permanent residence to a confessed former member of the Tamil Tiger terrorist group who’d entered Australia illegally and been rejected as a “refugee”. Now, he’s upping the ante, and mounting secret operations to fly former ISIS fighters into the country.

Cabinet’s national security ­committee will meet on Tuesday to discuss final details of the ­planned repatriation of Islamic State-linked families from Syria, as the government and opposition lock in for a political fight over their future.

Most of us would think they sealed their futures when they elected to snub the liberal democracy which had so generously taken in them and their parents, in favour of a brutal Islamic Caliphate, complete with sex slaves and beheading selfies. Then that all crashed around them, and they’re suddenly just begging to call Australia home again.

While the security committee will talk about how the mission will be conducted, operational matters, including timing, will be left to the Department of Home Affairs, ASIO and the Defence Department.

If it was left to most Australians, I daresay the vote would be to leave them rot in the bed they made for themselves.

Opposition home affairs spokeswoman Karen Andrews said she saw no benefit in returning the families.

“If I was still the minister for home affairs, these people would not be returning to Australia,” Ms Andrews said.

Her comments were far stronger than those made by her frontbench Liberal colleagues Angus Taylor and Dan Tehan, who both expressed reservations but did not outright declare that the families should not return home, and set the tone for a bitter dispute between the parties over the issue.

Opposition Leader Peter ­Dutton, who was opposed to the families returning when he was in government, did not comment on Monday.

In the meantime, Australian taxpayers will be forking out millions of dollars every year, and tying up dozens, if not hundreds, of police officers, for the privilege of saddling ourselves with a bunch of jihadi fanatics.

A terrorism control order would require them to be fitted with ankle bracelets, and have their communications, internet usage and movements ­monitored.

The Australian

Of course, the usual gaggle of quangos and assorted troughers are wringing their hands and wailing, “Think of the jihadi children!” But, as Albo’s already jelly-like backbone softens even more, how long before the hardcore jihadis like this creep are “brought home”?

Deniz Hasan, 27, of Melbourne, has been locked up in the city of Hasakah since handing himself in when Islamic State surrendered in March 2019 […]

Identified by The Australian during a prison visit in August, Hasan initially claimed he had never been a member of Islamic State and that he had lived as a free man in ISIS territory because he kept a low profile and associated only with Syrians.

He later admitted he fought for Islamic State in Damascus, was issued with an Islamic State Kalashnikov, was paid $50 a month by the terror group and had undergone military training at a camp near IS headquarters in Raqqa.

And while he maintained that he didn’t know “many Australians’’, it can be revealed that in fact he was an associate of the “tinnie terrorists’’ – a group of men jailed after a bumbling attempt to take a boat from Melbourne to The Philippines in 2016.

The Australian

So, not just a jihadi, but a liar as well?

Just the sort of person, apparently, that Labor wants to welcome with open arms.
