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Rosemary McLeod Has a Bad Case of TDS Shivers

The NPCs are Angry Because the Bad Orange Man is NOT a Warmonger. The BFD.

All prayers this morning, please call on St Christopher, patron saint of correct directions, to help Rosemary McLeod as she’s all over the place, suffering from a bad case of TDS shivers.

The BFD.

Claiming a video recording “shows him [Trump] abusing his power” (it actually shows the ceiling and nothing but the ceiling) Ms McLeod claims Trump “killed her (former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovich’s) career” vowing to get rid of her “tomorrow” following the dinner meeting in question which took place on April 30th, 2018.

Such a meanie, Orange Man. Yovanovich wasn’t ‘gone tomorrow’, or the next day, or the next month, she wasn’t ‘gone’ until after she finished her tour in early April 2019, nearly a year later. Such a mean guy, that Trump.

As for killing ‘her career’, what did Ms Yovanovich have to say to the impeachment inquiry in the US House of Congress: “What effect, if any, do you think this abrupt recall has had on your career?” “Well, I mean, I wasn’t planning a long career afterwards. I mean, my plan (A) had been that I would come back after my tour, a normal tour of the Ukraine, and retire. So, it’s not like I was expecting an ambassadorship, or anything else. So I don’t think from a State Department point of view it had any effect”.

But, yeah: Trump killed her career. Just like a mafioso. Disgraceful. Ought to be a crime.

In fact: “I (Yovanovich) asked whether it would be possible to be a fellow at Georgetown University. And that was arranged for me, and I’m very grateful”.

Isn’t that just terrible? What a monster bad-man Trump truly is.

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