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Royal reconciliation. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Sir Bob Jones

The relentless media guff about Harry, Meghan and the rest of the so-called royalty cast, puzzles me. Do New Zealand readers give a damn?

Polls show support for the monarchy in Britain rests substantially with lower middle-class women.

There’s a growing Republican movement there but mostly people seemingly don’t care one way or another. So be it; it’s their fantasy but why we still claim the British monarch as our formal head of state is ludicrous.

If there was such a thing as royal blood (there’s not) then William, for example, is three-quarters of commoner heritage only going back to his grandmother, the late Queen. Go back to Queen Victoria and you encounter a scenario we’re well familiar with here in which numerous individuals cash in by claiming to be a Maori when in fact they have only a scintilla minority Maori ethnicity. So too with the current British royalty, seemingly open to all comers for membership, the only qualification being dimness.

Note that, unlike bald William, Harry has a very full head of hair and embarrassingly ginger at that.

For an explanation, try this. I was in Britain some years ago when an amusing affair occurred and was quickly hushed up.

The teenage Harry was in a barber chair when in dashed two low-lifes from one of the red top so-called newspapers. They bent down, gathered up Harry’s cut locks from the floor, then fled.

All hell broke loose as armies of police descended on the scene, traced the culprits and not a peep thereafter was aired about this. It’s not hard to know their motives. Plainly they had a readily available DNA test in mind.

Harry has complained about Charles teasing him about not being his father. It may have been hurtful to him but perhaps it acted as a salve to Charles.

The best that can be said about Harry selling his soul for a truckload of silver is it’s provided welcome entertainment in worryingly troubled times.

Royal reconciliation. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

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