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Photo by Elena Mozhvilo. The BFD

Sir Bob Jones

On this site in March, 2020 when the coronavirus panic began, I predicted that when it’s all done and dusted, Sweden’s “live with it” approach will have proven the correct path to adopt. It’s not yet totally “done and dusted” globally but the developed world will reach that stage sometime this year.

Meanwhile, increasingly liberal societies have woken to the realities and are adopting the Swedish model, mindful that with widespread vaccinations, restraints are now irrational.

Of course, vaccinations regardless, there are still freakishly rare fatality exceptions, but closing down society at a massive social and economic cost, the consequences of which will be a huge economic upheaval ahead, to prevent “freakish” contingencies, is simply insanity.

Britain has now woken to that as increasingly are other nations. The latest to adopt a “live-with-it” approach is Denmark, a nation with an economy and society significantly more advanced than ours. There are no longer any covid rules there, be it mask wearing or whatever. Normal life has 100% resumed.

And as the Economist reported recently, despite some hiccups along the way, Sweden is now at or near the top on all social and economic European nations measurable success criteria.

The government-led hysteria to a lapdog New Zealand population in 2020-21, was at times mind-boggling in its idiocy.

As I pointed out back in 2020, it’s not callous to be rational. To close everything down to prevent deaths requires perspective. After all, if that’s all-important, ban motorcars and swimming.

Mind you, back in 2020 that’s precisely what did happen in the initial massively insane government response. Kiwis could only leave their homes for necessary purchasing purposes, swimming was illegal on the utterly insane grounds that if someone got into trouble they could tie up police resources. So instead we banned swimming and employed hundreds of police patrolling beaches and rivers to arrest any offenders. Madness of course, but those were but two of many examples of the government’s spell-binding incompetence.

The only happy people were the Labour politicians who history shows (the Lange and Clark governments excepted) love bossing people about.

The same goes for Australia. Just as Jacinda hogged television seemingly all day, every day, so too in Australia. The Victorian Labour Premier, one of the most boring people ever to draw breath, emulated Ardern with lengthy daily television monologues while establishing the longest lockdown anywhere in the world. Subsequent events showed it made not an iota of difference once it was finally of necessity lifted.

I make two further predictions. First, the Ardern government will be utterly decimated in a landslide defeat next year and second, that in the course of time given some perspective, it will be recorded as the most incompetent by a country mile in our post-war history.

Later this week I’ll explain both of those predictions.

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