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Saying a Fake Woman Has a Penis (When They Actually Do Have One) Is Now Hate Speech


Adult topics: Porn

The world has gone mad, especially in the overly woke UK.

A fake woman Trans woman with his gentleman’s vegetables intact is outraged because when he applied to do lady porn the photographer rejected his claims that he is a woman by telling the confused bloke that he’s not a sheila, because he has a penis…cue complaint to the police for hate speech:

A transgender British model filed a police report alleging a hate crime after she says a photographer rejected her attempt to perform  in an adult film because she has a penis.

“This man  messaged me saying he wanted to take my picture, have sex with me and film it to make money and then once he found out I was trans he stopped all contact with me,” Ria Cooper told U.K. outlet Hull Live in an interview published Friday.

“No one should be treated like this – this is discriminating and appalling behaviour,” Cooper added.

Cooper, now 25, held the title of Britain’s youngest transgender woman when she was 15.

These days, Cooper works as a model and produces explicit content, which she promotes on social media.

Cooper told Hull Live the photographer found her through her online portfolio.

But after initiating contact, the man told her he couldn’t work with her because she “had a c–k.”

I presume the porn photographer was looking for…well..lady parts…as you’d expect. I doubt he advertised for lady-boy actors.

“This is absolutely f—ing disgusting behavior,” Cooper said.

“I  want to be a glamour model and a porn star – that’s what I want to do. I  don’t think I should be treated like this,” Cooper added.

The remarks prompted Cooper to file a hate crime report with local authorities.

“I just think those comments could easily make someone commit suicide. It is so bad that I have gone to the police,” Cooper said.

A spokeswoman for Humberside Police confirmed to Hull Live that officers were investigating the incident.

Someone seriously needs to tell these transgender activists to bugger off. But wait, also from the UK, another fake woman  Trans woman is upset because, after dressing as a sheila to win a women’s cycling race and also breaking women’s records…as a bloke, he’s all upset because the losing female competitor didn’t give him hugs on the podium…seriously:

The transgender cyclist who won her second world title on Saturday accused the woman in second place of ‘poor  sportsmanship’ for refusing to link arms with her on the World Championship podium.

Rachel McKinnon,  37, won gold in the 35-39 age category sprint at the Masters Track World  Championships in Manchester on Saturday.

But a day later she accused a fellow competitor, Dawn Orwick, who was  cycling for the US, of refusing to touch her on the winners’ podium, opting instead to hold her left arm behind her back.

McKinnon said: ‘Third place, Kristen, wore my ”sport is a human right” sticker as a sign of solidarity.

‘Second place kept her distance and put her hand behind her back as her own sign.

Signifying something like poor sportsmanship.

Daily Mail

Irony by-pass right there sweetie. The only person exhibiting poor sports-man-ship is the only man on the podium.

It is amazing that feminists are tolerating this bat-shit crazy behaviour that is letting the patriarchy dominate women’s sport with men masquerading as women.

Why don’t we just remove all semblance of true competition and create a Freak-Olympics where anything goes? Then we will be able to watch a Trans woman run the 100 metres in 4 seconds flat pumped on Testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs and a Trans man swim breaststroke while wearing an outboard motor. It has seriously gotten that freakin’ bizarre in sport right now.
