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Says the Woman Protected by Armed Bodyguards

whopper extend her powers
Image credit The BFD.

Jacinda Ardern has shown just how out of touch she is with the voting public by telling off the victims of increased crime resulting from Labour’s soft on crime policies. She has even lectured them about how they shouldn’t be thinking of arming themselves to protect themselves from armed and violent criminals.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says arming dairy owners is not the answer to the rise in ram raids.

It comes after Dairy and Business Association chair Sunny Kaushal told AM last week several dairies are employing their own security guards and looking at buying guns amid a spike in ram raids.

“It’s very hard to run a business in New Zealand at the moment because the state is failing to provide them security and safety,” Kaushal told AM.

“I can tell you 30 percent of the business owners who call me are asking how to get a gun licence. It’s become that serious because if the police and authorities are not able to save them they have to save themselves.

Ardern said she “totally understands the concern that exists”,  but arming dairy owners is not the answer to reducing ram raids.  

Firearms are not the answer, firearms are not the answer,” Ardern repeated. “They will never be the answer. We don’t want to see people put themselves at risk.”  


Says the woman who is surrounded by armed bodyguards, and is now talking about supplying the Ukrainians with “lethal aid”:

“Lethal aid” to Ukraine is still on the table, according to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

In recent weeks, Australia and other pro-Ukraine countries have sent what is known as “lethal aid” to Ukraine, usually understood to be weapons, like Javelin anti-tank missiles.

Ardern said on Wednesday she thinks the distinction around lethal and non-lethal aid was a false one.

“My view is there is almost an artificial distinction here around lethal and non-lethal aid and our contribution to the war in Ukraine,” Ardern said.

NZ Herald

I’m pretty sure a hard-working dairy or bottle store owner in South Auckland thinks they are currently living and working in a war zone as gang gun violence escalates out of control. The difference between living and dying for these store owners is measured in time-spans much shorter than the average Police response time to attend violent crimes.

Ardern just shows how completely out of touch she is; how wrong-footed she has been in chasing and treating licensed firearms owners with utter contempt. The Police likewise should be hanging their heads in shame as they continue to persecute firearms owners while criminal gangs have illegal lethal force at their disposal.

If the Government or the Police won’t act then citizens will just take it upon themselves to protect themselves, by any means possible. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if people were already carrying in order to protect themselves.

People under siege in their communities are sick of hand-wringing politicians preventing law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves properly.

A well armed society is a polite society. If the Police or the government won’t protect law-abiding citizens, then who can blame them if they decide to protect themselves by whatever means they can avail themselves of?

If it is good enough for the Prime Minister to have armed protection, then why not properly licensed citizens?

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