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School Gender Creeps Crawl Out From Under Their Rocks Again

A Safe Schools co-ordinator celebrates Wear It Purple day. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

If there’s one thing you can say about the Long March left, they’re persistent. And, like the Maoists their strategy takes its name and inspiration from, dab hands at sneakery and treachery.

The Maoists took persistent advantage of the naivete and openness of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists to plant moles and sleeper agents. The Nationalists found themselves sabotaged and betrayed at every turn.

Perhaps the most successful of the Long March left’s sleeper agents are the creepy Queer theorists who lurk like so many spiders under the rocks of the education bureaucracy. When the sleazy “Safe Schools” program – a creepy Queer theory indoctrination program skulking under the guise of “anti-bullying” – came to public attention, parents were outraged. Panicked politicians pretended to take notice and Safe Schools was supposedly banished.

It was a lie, of course.

But all that happened is the fake-anti-bullying program went underground. Last month, NSW education bureaucrats sneaked the biologically inaccurate material back into teacher’s in-trays, to be used the following week on Wear It Purple Day.

Along with Safe Schools’ “resources” placed on the Department of Education website on August 21 was material from Minus18, a fringe organisation which leapt to notoriety in 2016 for providing instruction to children in penis tucking, chest binding and cross dressing.

In an unprecedented letter sent to teachers on August 28, Mark Scott, the head of the NSW Department of Education, endorsed the Wear It Purple promotional day[…]

The letter was tacit approval of the re-emergence of Safe Schools.

A Safe Schools co-ordinator celebrates Wear It Purple day. The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

For a program that masquerades as “anti-bullying”, Wear It Purple is notorious for being little more than a big, gay Struggle Session. Students who resist taking part report being ostracised and attacked.

And, like true creeps that they are, this is all supposed to be just “our little secret”.

All of this would have remained hidden from parents, if not for Mark Latham, the One Nation NSW leader, who managed to get behind the internet wall the department uses to send information to teachers.

He has provided The Daily Telegraph with screenshots of material identical to the old Safe Schools program.

New Zealanders would be familiar with the same garbage being promoted under the name “Mates and Dates”.

“All of Us” is billed as a “health and physical education resource” for teachers to indoctrinate students from Year 7 on about “gender diversity, sexual diversity and intersex topics”. It has been “developed jointly by the Safe Schools Coalition and Minus18”.

There are also new links to material from an American organisation, GLSEN, which gained international notoriety in 2000 when audio recordings were leaked of a workshop it held in Boston teaching children as young as twelve about the pleasures of “fisting”, sadomasochism and the use of “dildos”.

Another resource offered to teachers is “Resilience Rights & Respectful Relationships” for students from Prep/Kindy to Year 12. It teaches “positive gender norms in children”, echoing Victoria’s “Building Respectful Relationships” program, which tells children “gender is not fixed” but a “social construction”.

Other material promotes homosexuality and transexualism with all the subtlety of a bearded beefcake in a sequined posing pouch fondling toddlers at a “Drag Queen Story Hour”.

Just one Queer Theory Struggle Session a year is never enough, of course. So there’s also “Trans Day of Visibility” and “IDAHOBIT, International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia”.

And just to keep the indoctrination rolling non-stop, teachers are offered “Simple ways to incorporate LGBTQ and gender-inclusive material across the curriculum”.

Latham is calling on the Berejiklian Government to conduct an independent audit of the Education Department “to identity this material, remove it and live up to their 2017 commitment to get rid of Safe Schools in NSW.

This time, drive a stake through its heart for good.

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