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School Gender Curriculum Rejected – Poll

Photo by NeONBRAND. The BFD.

A new nationwide poll has found significant opposition to gender ideology being taught to primary school students, and majority support for parents being informed of their own children exhibiting gender dysphoria at school. There is also more support than opposition for a ban on transition medicine and surgery for children under the age of 18.

In the poll of 1,200 New Zealanders surveyed this month by Curia Market Research, respondents were asked a number of questions around gender ideology in schools.

When asked – “Do you believe that primary age children should be taught that they can choose their ‘gender’ and that it can be changed through hormone treatment and surgery if they want it to be?” only 15 per cent said yes. More than two in three people (69 per cent) opposed this type of teaching, and a further 16 per cent were unsure.

The respondents were then asked – “The Ministry of Education tells teachers that schools do not have to disclose to parents that their child is identifying as transgender in class and using a different name and preferred pronouns. Would you support a law requiring schools to notify parents if their child is identifying as transgender in class?

A majority (55 per cent) would support a parental notification-type law, with only 29 per cent opposed. A further 16 per cent were unsure or refused to say.

In response to the question – “Some people have proposed banning puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and physical sex-change surgeries for children under the age of 18 who identify as transgender. Would you support or oppose this kind of ban?” there was 42 per cent support and 36 per cent opposition for such a ban, with a further 22 per cent unsure or refusing to say. Males were more supportive and females were more opposed, but support was stronger than opposition overall in all age groupings.

Not surprisingly, support for such a ban went up to a half (49 per cent) of parents who had children under 16 years of age.

Many young people today are wondering if they were ‘born in the wrong body’, and transgender activists are pushing a message that insists the body should be remade to conform with feelings. As such, the transgender trend spreads a confusing and stressful message to all kids, including those who struggle to accept their biological sex.

In the new curriculum for primary age children, primary age students are being indoctrinated with the confusing and dangerous message that changing sex is as easy as changing clothes, girls are discovering that biological boys have free access to their changing rooms and sports teams and the curriculum states that parents are able to be kept in the dark when their child has decided to identify as transgender during the school day.

But this polling reveals that the majority of New Zealanders are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this curriculum and agenda in schools.

A better and more compassionate and honest approach would be for schools to create a climate that welcomes every child by making room for a greater diversity of personalities without negating the importance of biological sex, and most importantly, respecting the rights, role and responsibility of the parents and wider whanau.

It’s also time that the education and health ministries placed priority on scientific evidence and sound medical practice, rather than bowing to special interest groups pushing a radical agenda. Medical professionals and groups around the world – including the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) – are sounding growing concern around the use of puberty blockers to treat young people with gender dysphoria because of the low certainty of benefits, but the significant potential for medical harm.

Parents need to be alert to what is being taught in their local schools. Affirming biology is not bigotry.

WATCH: FAMILY MATTERS: Exposed! The Radical Sexuality & Gender Indoctrination in Schools

The nationwide poll was carried out between 1 June and 12 June, and has a margin of error of +/- 2.8 per cent.


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