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School: Secrecy, Suicide and Gender Whisperers

Irreversible damage Transgenderism

Just what the hell is going on in our schools? When Scott Morrison talked about “gender whisperers” in schools he was roundly denounced as a “transphobic” conspiracy theorist. But more and more evidence is emerging that Morrison was right.

We already know that so-called “anti-bullying programs” are being used as Trojan horses for radical transgender activism. When exposed, some of the programs were supposedly withdrawn or restructured. But there is increasing evidence that they’ve simply gone underground.

Parents in multiple Australian states have complained of “Queer” and transgender teachers and activists using schools as veritable hunting-grounds, secretly grooming vulnerable and impressionable children. Almost invariably, the first time parents learn about it is when the school finally delivers an ultimatum that their child has “transitioned” and the parents have to go along with it — or else. Transgender activists have allegedly fronted at family homes and all-but abducted children. The first court cases to legally take children away from their parents, for not “affirming” their “new gender identity” are underway.

In all of this, Australia is merely following the lead set by American activists.

But in America, parents are beginning to fight back.

After a 12-year-old girl attempted suicide on school property twice after months of secret meetings with a school counselor, her parents have filed a lawsuit.

The parents’ story is grimly familiar.

On Jan. 5, Wendel and Maria Perez received a call from Destiny Washington, who identified herself as a school counselor at Paterson Elementary School (PES) in Fleming Island, Florida, part of Clay County District Schools. Washington told Mr. and Mrs. Perez they needed to come to the school immediately. Washington said it was about their daughter, a sixth-grader, but would not reveal any further information.

When the Perezes arrived at the school they waited in the lobby for 20 minutes before someone came to escort them to a room where Washington, PES Principal John O’Brian, Vice Principal Courtney Schumacher, and a Clay County Schools Police officer were waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Perez were instructed to sit down. According to the federal lawsuit obtained by The Epoch Times—filed Jan. 24 by Child and Parental Rights Campaign, Inc. on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Perez—Washington told the Perezes the reason they were called to the school was because their daughter “had tried to commit suicide by hanging herself in the school restroom.”

Washington then informed the parents the reason why their daughter tried to kill herself was “because of her gender identity issue” and the fact they would “would not be in agreement with these changes” because of “their Christian Catholic religious beliefs.” As the Perezes sat reeling, Washington stunned them again. The Jan. 5 suicide attempt was the second effort. Their daughter had also tried to hang herself the day before. Without explaining how the child survived the first attempt, Washington insisted school staff was not aware of the first attempt prior to the second.

This shocking case follows on from the horrifying story from last year, where a Virginia school tried to cover up the rape of a female student by a “transgender” male student (who committed a similar crime after being shunted off to another school). In each case, the parents are punished for the obvious and blatantly ideologically-motivated failures of the school.

The case also highlights just how rigidly transgender ideology enforces the very gender roles it claims to “deconstruct”. The girl liked video games, which which she was told is something boys do. Ergo, she must be transgender. A course of indoctrination and humiliation as insidious as a communist “struggle session” followed.

All in complete secrecy.

Several school officials met with her daughter in secret to draft a “transgender gender nonconforming student support plan,” which was used to record her child’s new non-binary status, “preferred name,” and “preferred pronouns.” The 13-year-old child was even allowed to determine she would “be comfortable rooming w/either sex” on overnight school trips without the knowledge or consent of the parents. Staff also decided the parents would not be informed of anything involved in “implementing this plan,” and staff were instructed not to “include gender-specific pronouns when speaking w/parents” […]

However, the promise of confidentiality did not extend to the child’s peers. Washington began addressing the child by the male name in front of her friends without the girl’s permission. The child was humiliated. The bullying, for which she sought help from Washington, escalated. As the child became more confused and depressed, Washington told the girl she would get all of the teachers to start calling her by the male name.

Having seemingly bullied and manipulated the girl into twice attempting suicide, the school then blamed the parents.

According to the complaint, Mr. and Mrs. Perez “were not given the option of transporting their traumatized daughter to the facility or even traveling with her to provide comfort. Instead, their suicidal 12-year-old daughter was taken in a police vehicle to an emergency room, where she stayed until 4 a.m. when she was transferred alone, without the comfort and/or support of her parents, to another emergency room and then admitted to the behavioral health unit at Wolfson Children’s Hospital.”

During all this, it was the school who controlled the girl’s treatment.

“We weren’t allowed to go with her. The school was in charge. The school provided all of the information to the hospital. The school coordinated with the hospital.”

The Epoch Times

Tellingly, when hospital staff — apparently at the prompting of the school — addressed the girl by her “new identity”, she responded by insisting they use her real, girl’s, name. As Wendel Perez says, the “transgender” was obviously imposed by the school counsellors.

Even more tellingly, freed from the insidious clutches of the child-groomer school counsellor, the girl has reverted to being a normal, happy girl. “She is relieved she isn’t at the school anymore and she does not want to go back.”
