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School’s in for Kraut Kiddly Fiddlers

School is in, children! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There are a number of things which score pretty high on the “Bad Idea” meter. Keeping a fox in the hen house is one. Getting a monkey to guard your bananas is another.

But surely putting an open paedophile sympathiser on the board of a daycare centre — and “LGBT” daycare centre no less — tops them all.

A gay rights organization in Berlin, Germany, is set to launch a new pilot program next spring by opening two daycare centers with a special focus on providing the children education on LGBT issues. But disturbingly, an academic with a lengthy history of normalizing pedophilia is one of three people on the board overseeing the organization.

Well, this is Germany — the place where child protective services deliberately placed foster children with known paedophiles — with grimly inevitable results.

Never let it be said that Germany is averse to trying out really, really bad ideas.

Earlier this year, Berlin’s Gay Counseling Services (Berliner Schwulenberatung), an LGBT rights group which has been serving the gay community for 40 years, announced it would be launching a “diverse” living space in Berlin’s Sudkreuz area in 2023.

Roughly translated to the “Diverse Living Place,” the complex will host 69 apartments, a dedicated geriatric facility, a restaurant, and more — all of which will aim to provide “multigenerational housing for homosexual, bisexual, transsexual and intersex (LGBTI*)” people. The stated goal of the initiative is to create a space where residents can live “without fear of exclusion due to sexual or gender identity.”

Note that: “sexual identity”. Keep in mind that there is a concerted campaign to redefine paedophilia as a sexual identity — and the pieces begin to fall into place.

In addition to living quarters and common areas, the Place will also have two daycare centers to accommodate approximately 90 children in total. The daycare facilities will have a specialized focus on LGBT education.

The theory is bad enough, but the prac exams are a bugger. Literally.

Disturbingly, one of the members of the board overseeing and sponsoring the Gay Counseling Services and their project is Rudiger Lautmann, a German sociologist and gay rights advocate who has a lengthy history of normalizing pedophilia.

Lautmann is a former professor at the University of Bremen, where he taught from 1971 to 2001. Most notably, Lautmann authored a book titled The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles. The book is based on his interviews with 60 men who admitted to sexually abusing young children, primarily boys.



In the 70s, around the time when Germany was experimenting with handing over little boys to paedophiles and seeing what happened, Lautman founded Fach Und Selbsthilfegruppe Paedophilie: “Specialist and support group for pedophilia”. In his book, he argued that children often instigated sexual contact with adults and that it was harmless. Paedophiles, he said, are an oppressed group.

Sounds like just the guy to run a home where old queers and trannies can get free access to kids.


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