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Scott Morrison Stands by Decency and the Rule of Law

Embattled Attorny-General Christian Porter. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

The Australian left are in full Stalin mode, with a dash of Salem 1692.

Australian politics is now being run by anonymous denunciations, show trials and witch-hunts. The rule of law and due process have been consigned to the dustbin of history as a screaming mob of left-wing politicians and journalists denounce and send to the political gulag anyone they deem guilty of “rightist subversion”.

Embattled Attorny-General Christian Porter. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Attorney-General Christian Porter – the target of the shameful mob frenzy engulfing Canberra – is rightly standing firm. Although taking a brief period of stress leave, Porter is adamantly refusing to resign or stand aside. As he rightly says, it means anyone in Australia “can lose their career, their job, their life’s work” based on nothing more than an anonymous accusation. Porter is the nation’s first lawyer: if he submits, it means that the rule of law is completely trashed.

But one of the big questions in this circus is: which Scott Morrison is going to come forward? The principled conservative who took on both China and Faceook, or Scotty from Marketing who continually caves to the left-media?

Luckily for Porter and for the rule of law in this country, it looks like the former.

Scott Morrison has called for the “rule of law” to be upheld as he stands by Attorney-General Christian Porter who has emphatically denied a 1988 historic rape allegation against him[…]

The Prime Minister said the rule of law was essential for democracy and a fundamental principle every citizen of Australia depended on. “We weaken it at our peril,” he said.

Sure, this is a prime minister on the knife-edge of minority government defending a key ally, but it’s also an absolutely fundamental principle of democracy and Common Law.

“There is no other alternative for a Prime Minister than the rule of law,” he said.

“There’s not another process. There is the rule of law.”

Morrison went further and assured that Porter’s role in the government should be safe.

Mr Morrison also played down the suggestion that Mr Porter would step down from his cabinet role, as Labor and the Greens press for an independent investigation into the alleged rape.

“There’s been no suggestion of that whatsoever,” he said.

“He is looking forward to coming back and to resuming his duties. We have a lot to do, and we are doing it.”

Morrison’s next-senior cabinet colleague reaffirmed the government’s stance.

Josh Frydenberg says he stands by Attorney-General Christian Porter […] Mr Frydenberg rejected Labor and the Greens’s calls for an independent inquiry and said the investigation had been closed by NSW Police.

“There is one body that is authorised to deal with those matters and that is the police. That is the rule we all live under,” he told ABC radio.

The left parties are not so keen on the rule of law. All they want is blood.

Labor and the Greens have called for an independent investigation into the allegations.

These vindictive cretins have very short memories. If they can’t recall the “travel rorts” scandal which blew back badly on the opposition and ultimately led to a politician’s attempted suicide, they ought to remember the dual citizenship debacle which ended up claiming scalps on all sides of Parliament.

They might also pause to consider that the low-bar standard they set today will easily be used against them tomorrow.

Mr Frydenberg said when former Labor leader Bill Shorten faced a rape allegation in 2014 there was “bipartisan approach” in politics and no calls for an independent investigaton or for the accused to step down.

The Australian

Shorten is still a shadow minister for the ALP. If that’s not enough to give Labor pause, there have also long been whispers about the conduct of other senior Labor figures. Would they like to be publicly accused and forced to step down, if not resign?

That’s the tawdry standard they’re setting.

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