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Scott Morrison Stands Firm Against Jacinda’s Virtue-Bullying

“One of these days, Jacinda…” The BFD.

If Jacinda Ardern thought Scott Morrison was going to be intimidated by her and her little friends’ mean-girl bullying act at the Pacific Islands Forum, she was sorely disappointed. In contrast to Ardern’s constant posturing for applause from the globalist peanut gallery at the UN, Morrison reminded her of what a national leader’s first duty should be.

“I’m accountable to the Australian ­people, that’s who I’m accountable for,” he said.

Scott Morrison stared down Jacinda Ardern and 16 other leaders at the Pacific Island Forum last night, refusing to back a statement that would obligate Australia to end coalmining and go carbon-neutral by 2050.

“Carbon neutral” is the most blatant scam in the entire climate medicine show. Just like the Kyoto Protocol, it’s a load of snake-oil cooked up by hucksters bent on distracting the gawping rubes on the benches while their pockets are picked. Pledges of “carbon neutrality” are made by lying shills who weight the dice by strategically omitting some of the biggest CO2 sources, and who know in any case that they will be long out of office by the time their deceit is laid bare. For all its virtue-signalling, Kyoto did nothing to reduce emissions. Even high priest of climate alarmism James Hansen calls it a “farce”. But the leaders who signed it are all out of office and safely beyond being held to account.

Jacinda Ardern can make all the b.s. promises she likes, because she knows that she will be nothing but a footnote by 2050. Her “carbon neutral” pledge should be taken no more seriously than her Kiwibuild promises.

As for the tub-thumping Pacific leaders, the hollowness of their rhetoric is belied by their own reliance on fossil fuels. Let’s see them call for a ban on international flights or fossil-fuelled cruise ships.

They ought also to beware that their “gibsmedat”, Cargo Cult greed will come back to bite them, very hard.

There are mounting fears that China will seek to take advantage of the backlash against Australia at the forum…US Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt will also address the forum, warning that Pacific ­nations risk losing their political and economic sovereignty if they shift closer to China.

Of all people, Ardern’s puppet master is shaping up as an unlikely realist.

In a conciliatory move yesterday, New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters retreated from his Prime Minister’s challenge to Mr Morrison, saying Pacific­­ ­nations needed to look at the big picture, including China’s “coal-fired everything”.

Mr Peters told ABC radio he was worried there was a perception that Mr Morrison was “somehow acting incorrectly”.

“There’s a big picture we have to contemplate where we have to ensure that when we act in this big picture, we act with consistency and integrity,” he said.

When Jacinda Ardern hears the word “consistency”, she reaches for the picture-dictionary. When she hears “integrity”, she throws it in the bin (recycling, of course).
