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Photo by WilliamCho. The BFD.

The implications of the leaking of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority opinion for the US Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade cannot be overstated. Of all US institutions, the Supreme Court is supposed to be the one above the scrum of politics. The leak – the first leak of a full draft in the court’s modern history – is destroying that. Which seems to be the object: the left have systematically trashed every other US institution in their Long March, why stop now?

Bizarrely, the left are trying to blame the right for the leak, even though the draft was leaked to left-wing media outlet Politico and leftist demonstrators were out in force with pre-printed placards the very next morning.

But that’s far from the only bizarre thing the left are saying about the leak.

The strangest take on the leaked initial draft majority opinion from the US Supreme Court, which paves the way for overturning the right to an abortion in the US, was that of Democrat senator Eliza­beth Warren, who castigated the court as an extremist body poised to “impose its far-right, unpopular views on the entire country”.

In fact, the opposite is true.

As the leaked initial draft majority opinion delivered by Justice Samuel Alito makes clear, the Supreme Court has been imposing its personal policy preferences on the entire country for almost 50 years, having created a constitutional right to abortion that plainly doesn’t exist.

“The court usurped a power to address a profound social and moral question that the constitution unequivocally leaves for the people … an error that cannot be allowed to stand,” the draft opinion reads […]

Roe v Wade was the ultimate in activist judicial decision-making. The judgment spent more time talking about infanticide in antiquity than the state of the law and custom across the US.

Roe was so “egregiously wrong from the start”, as Alito puts it, even on questions of basic fact, that the second time the Supreme Court looked at it, in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v Casey in 1992, the justices could find only one serious argument for keeping it: precedent. In other words, this might be a really bad judgment but people have become used to it.

But if Warren’s blather was her usual standard of uninformed nonsense, the left’s mainstream narrative about the leaked opinion is not just uninformed nonsense, it’s a blatant lie. Albeit a lie with strategic political intent.

The lie is that the ruling takes away American women’s access to abortion.

Women with access to resources still will have abortions in the US, in extreme cases having to travel to a different state. Almost 93 per cent of the 630,000-odd abortions in 2019 occurred before 13 weeks, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, well within the laws even in supposedly hardline Mississippi.

The strategic political intent is to try and save the Democrats from a looming midterm bloodbath.

Democrat political strategists privately will be cheering the draft opinion and winking approvingly at Warren’s absurd characterisation of it.

The leaker in the Supreme Court will become a hero for kickstarting the Democrats’ campaign months ahead of schedule. If the Democrats manage to keep hold of the Senate in November, this will be the reason.

The Australian

The left are even more obsessed with abortion than the right. The left don’t just accept abortion as a necessary evil, they celebrate it. “Celebrate your abortion” was a hugely popular Twitter hashtag. Leftist celebrity Lena Dunham pined that she wished she’d had an abortion, just so she could join the club. A viral video showed a young feminist laughing and cracking the champers after making an appointment for an abortion.

Most hypocritically, the supposedly “pro choice” activists are enraged by the very fact of the Supreme Court proposing to return choice to a democratic vote. The very idea that “deplorables” – ordinary people, in “flyover country” – should have the power to decide the legal limits on abortion infuriates the left-elite.

After all, let the people decide on abortion, and they might start getting uppity ideas about their right to decide on vaccinations and stay-at-home orders. It is, after all, their bodies, their choices, is it not?
