After Anne Tolley saw the writing on the wall, it was only a matter of time before the second half of the dastardly duo, Paula Bennett, was shown the exit.
Sure she has been allowed the dignity of announcing it herself, but make no mistake, she was told in no uncertain terms to sling her hook.
National MP and former deputy prime minister Paula Bennett is retiring from politics at the September election, she announced in Auckland this morning.
Bennett was deputy leader of the party and its campaign chair as recently as May, but was ousted from those roles when Todd Muller and Nikki Kaye staged a caucus coup.
She was demoted 11 spots in Muller’s first reshuffle.
That was a moment of weakness from Todd Muller who should have cut throats a lot sooner.
It looks like Muller may not match Jacinda Ardern on kindness to failing senior people. He cuts their throats; she defends the indefensible.
This was a signal to Winston Peters that those really behind the smear job against him are now history, thereby opening the door quietly, at least in the backrooms of parliament.
Now everyone involved in the Jami-Lee Ross take down has lost their jobs:
- Simon Bridges
- Paula Bennett
- Sarah Dowie
- Jamie Gray
- Rhonda Williams
All that image building Bennett did in the last 3 years has come to nothing.

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.