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Self Appointed Guardians of the Vax

employment law rights mandate covid-19 vaccination vaccine

Devotees of the vaccination cult are enthusiastically dragging the unvaccinated over barrels until they succumb to the jabs: for the tardy recalcitrants it’s not a personal choice, it is imperative; they are ordered out of sight and told not to come back until they have been jabbed.

“Leaning heavily on her crutches after her second hip replacement, Fritha Tagg stood at her front door and asked the home care assistant if she had been vaccinated against Covid-19. The worker refused to answer, and was sent away.
It was the second time that week Tagg had sent a home care worker away because they were either unvaccinated or refused to say if they were.”


The worker who refused to provide her vaccination status was totally within her rights under the 2020 Privacy Act because her vaccination status is personal information protected under this act.

The double vaccinated who publicly flaunt their status are the same people who believe it is their duty to bully others into submission. In fact, they have no legal right to act this way despite the current climate of media endorsed coercion displayed by Hillary Barry and others.

Across Auckland, discussions are taking place between providers of essential services under Level 3 lockdown and their customers.

It’s quite a rigmarole for companies to arrange protection for their employees from potential Covid-19 environments before they are sent on site. Householders are interrogated and must pass an evaluation of the level of Covid risk.

“Does anyone on the property have Covid?”

“Has anyone on the property been in contact with anyone with Covid?”

“How many people will be on site? Is it possible to maintain two-metre social distancing within the space being worked?”

If the answers indicate a site free from known Covid risk, the customer is advised that tradespeople can visit, working under Level 3 lockdown rules, using precautions the home owner and any other tradies on site must comply with.

Householders are advised that employees will confirm to their employer that they are “free from Covid symptoms” on the day of the site visit and the householder is told that employees will sanitise, maintain two-metre social distancing and wear PPE on site.

Unsurprisingly, at this point, many householders volunteer up the fact that they are double jabbed, presumably for reassurance. They mistakenly assume vaccination is a guarantee that they cannot possibly harbour the virus, much less spread it.

Besides it being nobody else’s business whether someone is vaccinated or not, the level of misunderstanding around vaccination is breathtaking.  Some firmly believe the vaccinated cannot catch Covid, much less transmit it, when in fact they can do both.

Some people think an annual booster after their two Pfizer jabs “just like the annual flu shot” will keep them safe into the foreseeable future. Perhaps they’ve not thought about vaccine’s efficacy against Covid variants because they’ve not learned about it from NZ mainstream media.

At any rate, they do go to great lengths to proudly demonstrate their vaccinated status despite this being of no interest, much less reassurance, to a company sending its employees into a potentially Covid infested environment.

The vaccinated carry similar viral loads as the unvaccinated and can also spread the virus. If customers paused for a minute to wonder why a company would go to such lengths to protect their employees then they might also ask themselves if it is a fact that the vaccine removes all risk.

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World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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