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Send Climate Protesters the Bill for Their Obstinate Idiocy

In the latest eructation of millenarian lunacy, the ridiculous street pantomimes of the bourgeois climate cult called “Extinction Rebellion”, they have largely got away with their massive public temper-tantrum because both public and authorities have been caught off-guard. But, just as members of the public are starting to ark up at the middle-class tits blocking their way to work, some in authority are moving to crack down on the Krazy Klimate Kult.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has called for protesters to be charged for the cost of policing their rallies.

Speaking after Melbourne CBD was disrupted by climate activists for three days in a row, Mr Dutton said that, while the federal government was looking at new laws to crack down on activist protesters, state governments should charge them for the cost of police resources deployed to the disruptions.

It will be interesting to see how the Victorian government – who are actually responsible for policing in their state – react. After all, this was the government which tried to bill Milo tens of thousands for the cost of controlling violent left-wing thugs who disrupted his perfectly legal speaking tour. If the Andrews government refuse to bill more violent left-wing thugs, once again illegally disrupting legitimate businesses, their slip will be well and truly showing.

Mr Dutton spoke as Scott Morrison flagged new laws to crack down on activist protesters who target mining businesses, declaring “absolutist environmentalism is testing the limits of the right to protest…The right to protest does not mean there is an unlimited licence to disrupt people’s lives and disrespect your fellow Australians,” Mr Morrison will say.

Just as the right to free speech does not grant a heckler’s veto – the right to shout down others – there is no absolute right to attempt to shut down legitimate businesses or prevent people going about their lawful activities.

“There is also a related and co-ordinated campaign to disrupt the commercial operations of resource companies, by trespassing on their property, by vandalising property or by delaying construction of essential infrastructure. There is no place for economic sabotage dressed up as activism.

“But there is a third, even more worrying development. An escalating trend towards a new form of secondary boycotts. This is a trend with potentially serious consequences for our economy. Environmental groups are targeting businesses and firms who provide goods or services to firms they don’t like, especially in the resources sector.”

It’s here that the Krazy Klimate Kult’s true agenda is laid bare: this isn’t really about the climate at all. It’s a blatant effort to bring down capitalist society.

But, just as the protesters are the idle bourgeoisie whose wealth enables their frivolous lifestyle activism, it’s the wealth generated by capitalist society that these shiftless leaners exploit to fund their idiotic obsessions.

The mining, agriculture and gas production sectors produce more than 70 per cent of Australia’s export income, and will lash Labor for “abandoning” the industries.

“Sectors that invariably rely on the industry and enterprise of blue collar workers…Labor’s deputy leader Richard Marles recently conceded that traditional Labor voters felt the party looked down on blue-collar workers…I wonder where they got that impression. After all, it was Mr Marles himself who said the collapse of the coal industry would be a good thing.”

In fact, Marles looks to be furiously backpedalling, as part of the tiny faction in Labor who concede that they might, just might, have got it wrong in May.

Deputy Labor leader Richard Marles said the protesters were “absolutely indulgent” and flagged the potential for bipartisan support of a legal crackdown.

“These are people who are not actually about a cause. They’re about engaging in a personal experience at the expense of Australians, in this case Victorians trying to get on with their lives,” Mr Marles told Today.

Marles’s comment about the “indulgent” “personal experience” of the Klimate Kult is spot-on: this is not a movement of any great conviction. It’s public play-acting by the idle middle-classes.
