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National Party housing spokesperson Judith Collins Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas

I would imagine that Judith Collins’s arm is currently being torn off by a lineup of publishers. Her book will be based on facts, not supposition or half-truths, and will be her opportunity to set the record straight away from the negative spin of the media and other vested interests.

So why is she writing a book now?

This is political. Collins is gearing up for a leadership spill.

Unlike Hager’s regular election hit pieces using stolen or leaked information Judith’s book will be an insider’s tell-all book guaranteed to “surprise a few MPs” and those of us fascinated by the cut and thrust of political parties behind the scenes.

I look forward to the truth coming out about the so-called conflict of interest story regarding Oravida as well as her take on the Hager and Rawshark engineered “Dirty Politics” hit job.

Now is Collins’s time to shine, and she has proved herself to be a very capable and effective politician, skillfully inflicting lasting damage on both KiwiBuild (which was Labour’s flagship policy) and Phil Twyford who was removed from the portfolio.

There’s a stark contrast between her grasp on policy and National Party leader Simon Bridges’ inability this week to answer RNZ’s reasonable questions about his party’s own economic policies.
She understands policy and the media. […]
[…] Since the start of this year, she’s consistently polled neck and neck with Bridges for preferred prime minister in 1News Colmar Brunton polls.
In the latest Newshub Reid-Research poll, Collins climbed to 7.1 per cent, while support for Bridges fell to 4.2 per cent.

Unlike Simon Bridges, Collins could work with Winston Peters as there is no bad blood between them. Also unlike Bridges, she does not have Jami-Lee Ross nipping at her heels.

The story of Judith Collins’s political career is still being written and it promises to be a gripping tale. Kick back, relax and watch the tale unfold. I’ll bring the popcorn.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

A jury at the Auckland High Court has found Dr Philip Polkinghorne not guilty of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, in their Remuera home in April 2021. 

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