Voices for Freedom
What a funny old time it is to be alive right now. More and more people are awakening to the truth as reality unfolds before their eyes. People are seeing that the promises made regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine have been based on false hopes at best, and bald-faced deliberate lies at worst.
The official narrative is crumbling. Court cases are being won and large companies and organisations are winding back their divisive policies before they too find themselves answerable in court.
The actions that you have taken over the past year or two to question and dismantle the story have all helped. Your willingness to engage in courageous conversations, to encourage critical thinking, and to share content and resources with others has resulted in a wide uptake of alternative ideas by a growing number of curious Kiwis.
Reclaiming our country and renewing core Kiwi values has never felt so important. Or as urgent.
So let’s make sure we keep on going. All of us together. Asking the questions that count. Person by person. Every conversation makes a difference.
Below is a selection of recent headlines. Some expose the desperate, illogical, incompetent, and gaslighting behaviour of pharmaceutical CEOs and health system heads. Some illustrate the shift in position in local government and the business sector.
Please share these stories to help get the word out because we are being censored on social media.
1. A Fourth Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Needed, Pfizer CEO Says…
“To help fend off another wave of Covid-19, people will need a fourth dose of vaccine, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told CBS this past Sunday.”
You’ve got to wonder how many people will tootle along for their 4th jibby-jab… Especially for something that doesn’t work.
2. Covid-positive Health Workers Can Return To Work As Self-Isolation Rules Change…
Critical healthcare workers who have Covid-19 can now return to work at hospitals even if they are still returning positive tests. It’s a move that unions say is a “clear sign of a desperate health system”. The change was announced by Director of Public Health Doctor Caroline McElnay. This makes a mockery of mandates. How can it be that a jabbed worker testing covid positive is able to return to work? ‘
3. USA’s Centre For Disease Control (CDC) Director, Rochelle Walensky Goes On Record About The Covid Vaccines: “Too Little Caution And Too Much Optimism” admitting that sometimes it takes months and years to find out the answers and that no one at the CDC thought to delve further into the potential for waning efficacy or for efficacy against other variants.
“…I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do think all of us wanted this to be done. Nobody said waning, when you know, oh this vaccine’s going to work. Oh well, may it’ll work – (laughs) it’ll wear off. Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as potent as against the next variant.”
The idea that nobody said that the vaccines may not be “95 percent” effective and that protection would wane is simply not true. There were many experts in the field making this point, hinting at the fact that it could be a strong possibility. We were heavily marketed with the 95 percent figure while the population wasn’t being made aware that they offered one percent (or less) absolute risk reduction.
4. Fonterra Gets Rid Of Vaccine Mandate For Unvaxxed Workers… While this comes with a condition of daily testing (which we have significant concerns about), it’s a huge step forward and is the start of the changing tides with private companies appropriately reconsidering and updating their vaccine policies.
Voices For Freedom supported more than 400 employees (with over 4000 years experience working at Fonterra) to prepare and present a very detailed and considered submission. Our local groups also joined a series of nationwide Fonterra protests earlier this year which received a lot of coverage.
5. Deputy Mayor Speaks Out Against Mandates (see third page): Jenny Duncan is Deputy Mayor of Whanganui. Last week she wrote an opinion piece where she said:
“The weight of my silence has become too great, I have to speak out. … It’s my birthright in country called New Zealand to make medical decisions for myself.”
She joins a number of other councillors who have spoken out about the division caused by this government.
6. Taupo District Council To Scrap Vaccine Passes…
“From this morning, people will no longer need proof of vaccination to get into council offices, public pools, museums or public toilets.”
And other councils are following suit joining a select few that hadn’t brought in the vax pass system. Want your council to do the same? Let them know how you feel and drop them an email or a phone call today!
7. Support For Mandates Drops To 60%… Is Cindy in trouble? Recent polling showed that since November support for mandates has dropped by 14 percentage points from 74% to 60%. In addition, it seems that Kiwis were split when it comes to the way the Government handled the protest…
“A slight majority (46%) said they approved of the Government’s handling; 43% said they disapproved and 11% didn’t know.“
What does all this mean? We believe that there’s never been a better time to strike up those important conversations. The tide is turning. Slowly but surely the narrative is crumbling and the work we all do is a part of this change.