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Seymour Hot Favourite to Win Deputy Prime Minister in Final Twerk Battle

Twerk battle. Photoshopped image credit:

Rosemary Abbott


New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister position is set to be determined not by policy debates or parliamentary prowess but by a battle of the twerks between the two hopefuls, David Seymour and Winston Peters.

ACT Party leader David Seymour is tipped to win after having already showcased his twerking live on national television during Dancing with the Stars in 2018.

Christopher Luxon said a twerking comp was the obvious choice for deciding who would be his deputy. “Oh look it’s something fun, it’s all the rage on social media. I think a twerk battle between two seasoned politicians is exactly what the country needs right now.

“You might think that David has an unfair advantage here, but I wouldn’t be too hasty. He’s been known to bust a move or two during karaoke up in Whangarei.

“I think he does something called the Winston Wiggle?” said Luxon quizzically. “I’m looking forward to seeing that.”

The twerk-off for the Deputy PM role comes as both party leaders try to convince PM elect Christopher Luxon they’re the right man to be at his side during the next three years of government, hoping to end nearly three weeks of Coalition negotiations.

In a rare media interview, Peters naturally went on the attack.

“Don’t you come here with your ill informed rhetoric and unreliable sources. It’s not called the Winston Wiggle. It’s the ‘Peters Pump!’”

More to come.


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It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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