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Seymour Only Championed the Human Rights of the Vaxxed

Image credit: The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

ACT party leader David Seymour gives regular interviews on NZ’s very vexxing The Platform, which also hosts a new essay by him, A More Civil Vaccination Policy, in which he makes a number of self-contradictions and surprising backtracks. We say vexxing because Platform host Sean Plunket’s uniquely entrenched “anti-vax nutters” position contrasts with his otherwise accurate distaste for accelerating government overreach. We do know that he has merely swapped the public teat for a private one and suppose he cannot nip the tit that feeds him.

Seymour’s Legendary Flip-Flops

A relentless populist, David Seymour’s flip-flops are legendary but to the ‘freedom community’ he is best known for calling for ever harsher discrimination against the unvaccinated, and championing the human rights of the vaccinated not to have to provide services to – or even share oxygen with – unjabbed people. This is all the more surprising as the ACT party has strongly libertarian roots, championing individual responsibility, free choice and far less government intrusion in our lives.

What he doesn’t seem to champion are facts, however, certainly those pertaining to NZ’s all-time record high death rates. Even MSM has been forced to comment on the “mystery”, also befalling many other heavily vaccinated countries. Seymour claimed that a reliable web site called Our World in Data proved we apparently are losing fewer people not more but, unfortunately for David, the website clearly shows the highly abnormal numbers for most of the last two years. Maybe he was just parroting the same shocking lie spoken by, perhaps, our next doctor candidate for a knighthood, Michael Baker. Our expert colleague Dr Guy Hatchard has posted on this seeming topsy-turvy take on the truth by establishment cheerleaders.

Anyway, David seeks to rewrite history and expunge his cheerleading of discrimination. Perhaps he got jabbed himself and is now a worried fellow. But then there is this, while he was out campaigning. “Nobody cares about you mate!” he says to a man questioning him on ACT’s failure to speak up for freedom of medical choice, instead threatening benefits and incomes for those jab refuseniks. There is an election looming and the electorate is perhaps gaining more confidence.

In his essay he does admit to no vaccine protection against omicron, but only after wrongly claiming spectacular transmission blockade and protection from serious outcomes at the start of the jab campaign. He is dead wrong, and we have posted extensively on the statistical trickery and deliberate mis-definitions used to create this rosy but false picture. Amongst a number of breath-taking inflations, including of his role as a mediator with the parliamentary protest leadership, he made the following surprisingly accurate statement:

“One final way that conflicts could have been managed, as I said in Parliament in March 2022, was to allow doctors to use their professional judgement in granting exemptions.  That would have allowed people like the man I spoke of at that time some relief. It will always be an extraordinary feature of the Government’s vaccine policy that the medical profession so easily allowed its professional integrity to be overridden by the Ministry of Health.”

We say surprising, because we agree with him that most doctors did indeed stand aside at the behest of the politically captured Ministry of Health. However, wherever the orders to do so came from (hint: further up the supranational food chain), it is the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) that handed over medicine’s ethical safeguards to the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

MCNZ embarked on an immediate campaign of threats and intimidation so that 20,000 practicing doctors – minus a few hundred resisters – feared that they would lose their incomes, and their hard-won elevated position in society, if they started quoting Hippocrates, Nuremberg, Pfizer’s prior record fines and – God forbid – clinical research. Well, NZDSOS members were just as afraid of losing everything, but were more scared of what it all represented.

Seymour’s article makes some sense in it’s main thrust – that had ACT’s advice to make the shots voluntary been taken, parliament could have protected livelihoods and friendships, and avoided an embittered freedom movement. Most would still have gotten jabbed and businesses could choose for themselves in a free market place that could still cater for all.

But Seymour makes an obvious and fatal error of omission. The jabs are dangerous. They were always going to be risky but the deaths and injuries far exceed anything we should tolerate, are going to get worse over time, and there is a pandemic of wilful blindness amongst public officials and, yes, many doctors. Readers should ask themselves whether all the ‘died suddenly’ headlines and posts are coincidence, whether it is normal to know of friends, families and workmates with heart, neurological and clotting issues since 2021. Trust us as lifelong health workers in your communities. It is not.

This is what the uppity selfish protesters and a sizeable segment of society resented: the very wrongness of forcing a medical experiment. There is no avoiding the deeply coercive measures used to gain compliance. In some cases this amounted to torture, such was the distress. Not everyone could just walk away from their jobs, or their support networks.

A Matter of Trust

This whole debacle has come down to a matter of trust. Under the guise of a deadly germ, society was neatly segmented into those who never doubted the fear porn and ‘decisive leadership’ coming from politicians and government experts (and don’t forget the press, bribed with taxpayer dosh), and those who thought they sensed at least a few lies and inconsistencies from the start. As unprecedented rules and regulations were steam-rollered across prior norms of public health, suspicion grew and more people started to question – if not ‘wake up’ entirely – especially as jab injuries and deadly reactions appeared with the rollouts.

Since the pandemic started, not a single sitting MP stood up and called out the naked emperor astride the giant elephant, though a few whimpered meekly that maybe the mandates might be unreasonable. The man who would be our next Minister of Health, Dr Shane Reti, was recently asked at a campaign rally by an injured health professional why his National Party, currently in opposition, has been silent on the extent of jab injuries.

Reti replied blankly that he’d had his jabs and been fine, then shrugged, seeming to ask, so what’s the problem? Shane is a doctor of medicine, by the way, and like many others he doesn’t know much about environmental medicine, unlike this brave questioner at another meeting. He believes in a “different set of science” than the US National Toxicology Program’s review of the many studies confirming fluoridation impairs children’s development.

Politicians like him, and David Seymour, and the current Prime Minister etc all stood in thrall while Jacinda Ardern stared at the camera and said if you get the jab you will neither get covid, nor die from it. This was during delta, the milder follow-on variant of the initial Wuhan virus, but before the even more benign omicron strains now dominant. But, note the ongoing relentless propaganda, particularly still targeting pregnant women and our kids!

Perhaps Seymour, Reti and the rest of the guardians of our liberal democracy can explain that one (here’s a hint David: never again leave it just to doctors to exercise and defend some moral absolutes, try developing your own), and why the UK has stopped offering covid jabs to all except for some over-75s, but we blunder on.

In truth they have a helluva lot more explaining to do, especially in Seymour’s case. Behold the gleeful spite with which he and other party leaders fell on the conscientious objectors, evoking the worst instincts of apartheid South Africa and anti-semitic Nazi Germany. Equating vax scepticism with domestic terrorism, the government’s spying agency was tasked with teaching everyone to “know the signs”.  Who imagined nice Kiwis could be press-ganged into being KGB informers? The Beehive, that’s who.

For the first time in NZ’s post-colonial history we have been invaded, by outside private unelected forces including the WHO – we know this may sound bizarre to some – and the WEF, who are mixing techno-fascism with Marxist psychopathy, which is as destructive as it sounds. The link is well worth it’s 30 minutes to confirm all the signs that our society is under ideological attack.

These shadowy bad actors have found a few willing minions in most jabbed countries for sure, but took for granted the scared witless MPs (along with the judges, police, employers, reporters, teachers etc). They were all TRICKED BY LIES, specifically the hypnotic mantra of ‘safe and effective’, and had their trusting natures taken for granted.

If you are wondering if you, too, have been taken advantage of, perhaps listen to this most inside of insiders, former Pfizer VP Dr Mike Yeadon, describing how his scientific training and particular talent for pattern recognition enabled him to spot the deception, and what we should all do about it. He is putting his life on the line to help his fellow humans, and we wonder which of our elected representatives can say the same.  Should we expect them to? Apparently not, but they should clear out of parliament and let in others who understand the imperative, as well as the risks and rewards, for the fight for our free lives in these dangerous times.

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.  MEP Christine Anderson


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